The door opened and she stepped out- barely recognizable in her new avatar. Adorned in glistening metal that shined brightly under the intent gaze of the sun, hanging onto her body with a promise of protection and strength, she looked every bit breathtaking and ephemeral. Amplifying the beauty of the war armor were the daggers that clung to the pockets fabricated especially for them, each knife having a story of its own, each of which contributed to the existence of the royal highness of Arcelia, Althea Von Haven.
“Thea, Dalerian’s army is just a few kilometers away from the kingdom gates, they will be here by sunset,” reported Nader, the commander of the Arcelian army and Althea’s best friend, worry etched on his face.
“Rumors say that they have brought twice the size of militia and infantry…,”sighed Nyx, Nader’s twin, fulfilling her role as the Second General of the Army.
A calm smile made its way onto Althea’s face, her posture relaxed and nonchalant.
“None of this helped them in the past nor will it help today. If they want to burn and crash, then let them because I am going to bring hell fire with me; calamitous and ruinous.”
Surely, the Dalerian’s came at them with all their wits and might. Soon crossbows, axes, dirks, catapults, halberds, lances and innumerous wounded and dead bodies were seen scattered around the battle field. Despite this, the Alcerian army destroyed everything in its wake. The field looked like it had borne the wrath of every tormented and resentful soul in this world.
Somewhere during the fight, Althea spotted an all too familiar looking body on the ground.
Her grip around her sword was so tight that her knuckles turned white, dread gripped her soul, gnawing and clawing at it. Tragic realization struck her like lightning, her body tight, her ears ringing, all emotions coursing through her body at an unimaginable speed and then all of a sudden she was numb. Her heart sinking as her knees sank deeper into the soil.
Her hands shook and her body trembled as she reached for the dagger stuck in Nader’s heart.
‘No please not him….not him,’Her heart shattered as she looked into his listless eyes and emotionless face.
Sadness, anger, vengeance, guilt and despair consumed her whole and fully. Suddenly, the world was red and everything was irrelevant. Power seemed to flow through her body with purpose, the feeling so strong and unknown.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAA” she screamed, her pain piercing through heaven and hell such that the sky erupted and the ground shook. Fear reeked in the atmosphere so intense that the Dalerian’s surrendered the battle field with a silent vow of never coming back.
Yes, that day the Alcerian’s did win but at what cost? The cost of a life that came with the learning that those who bring fire with them are bound to get burnt as well, with or without armor.
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