Hidden Truth

Nikko posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Flash Fiction on 2024-08-31

Sunita is surprised when she discovers, during a phone call with a friend, that her college reunion is happening in just eight days. Feeling left out and hurt that she wasn’t invited, Sunita decides to call one of the organizers, Usha. During their conversation, Sunita expresses her disappointment over not receiving an invitation.

Usha explains that the class had assumed Sunita wouldn’t attend this time, believing she wasn’t interested in reconnecting with old friends. Based on this assumption, Sunita was not initially included. Upon hearing Sunita’s concerns, Usha apologizes and offers to add her to the reunion list.

 Sunita faces a tough choice. Her responsibilities at home, particularly caring for her aging mother, make it challenging to leave. While her supportive husband, Shishir, encourages her to go. Sunita struggles to balance her desire to reconnect with her past and her current family obligations, all while dealing with the misunderstanding that has grown among her friends.

With a mix of relief and excitement, she embarks on her journey to the reunion, ready to reconnect with her old friends and make the most of the opportunity she almost missed.

In New York, Amid his whirlwind of meetings and international engagements, Vineet found a brief lull in his schedule to focus on an upcoming personal milestone, his college reunion in India. With his calendar packed to the brim, he quickly delegated the planning of his trip to his trusted staff. "I need this trip to be seamless," he instructed, "so please handle the bookings and arrangements." Then, with a hint of nostalgia, he asked his team to assist with selecting his wardrobe. “I want to look like the same old Vineet,” he said, “so pick out some casual, straightforward clothes—nothing too formal. I want to reconnect with my old friends as I was back then.” As he boarded the flight, the landscape below blended into a blur of anticipation. His thoughts drifted back to the carefree days of college—late-night study sessions, spontaneous adventures, his f7 group, and the camaraderie that had shaped his formative years. The anticipation of rekindling those cherished memories filled him with a sense of excitement and nostalgia, making the long journey feel worthwhile.

 Amidst the flood of nostalgic memories, one name stood out—Sunita. He remembered her vividly: her infectious laughter, sharp intellect, and the deep conversations they had shared. With a hopeful smile, he wondered if she would also attend the reunion. The thought of reconnecting with her added an extra layer of excitement to his trip.

Mohan, once a standout student with a bright future, now led a modest life as a teacher in a small village. As he prepared for the college reunion, he faced the dilemma of balancing his budget with his desire to look presentable. Instead of splurging on new clothes, Mohan decided to borrow a few items from friends and relatives, keen to save money for something he deemed more important: special gifts for his old college mates.  As the train rattled along the tracks, Mohan's heart raced with anticipation. He started thinking who all is coming…. hopefully Sunita is coming. He could hardly wait to see his friends again and Mohan was excited to make it memorable for everyone.

Vandana, Sangeeta, and Preeti, who lived in the same city, decided to travel together to the college reunion, making the journey more enjoyable and manageable. As they set off in the taxi, they were relieved to be on their way, free from the pressures of their daily routines. However, Preeti's husband, known for his possessiveness, was a constant presence in their minds. He called every hour, checking in with a mix of concern and curiosity that was both amusing and frustrating. Each ring of the phone seemed to punctuate their conversation with a blend of laughter and exasperation.

As the taxi rolled through the city streets, Preeti, finally free from her husband's constant calls, sank into the seat with a deep sigh of relief. Her exhaustion and the oppressive feeling of confinement seemed to melt away, and she slept peacefully as if she had been released from jail. When she awoke, a contented smile spread across her face. "You know," she said with a chuckle, "reunions like this should happen every six months. It’s such a breath of fresh air!" Her comment brought a round of laughter from Sangeeta and Vandana, who were also enjoying the break from their usual routines. The reunion promised to be a delightful escape and a chance to reconnect with cherished friends, and Preeti was already revelling in the joy of the journey.

Usha, now a prominent IAS officer, was meticulously orchestrating the college reunion, ensuring every detail was perfectly arranged. Her planning was impeccable, from booking rooms at a luxurious hotel to crafting a program card for each guest. The card was meant to feature a special poem she had carefully composed, celebrating the cherished memories and triumphs of their college days. The poem was meant to add a personal touch to the event, reflecting the deep bond shared among old friends. Usha handed the poem to the hotel staff with clear instructions, to integrate it into the program cards that would welcome each guest.

However, amidst the flurry of preparations, a hotel staff member assigned to prepare the cards, accidentally misplaced the page with Usha's original poem. In a bid to meet the deadline, she opted to search the internet for a suitable replacement. Finding a generic piece about the shared past, she printed out the new verse and attached that to the cards. The hasty substitution went unnoticed as the cards were placed in the rooms.

The reunion hall was abuzz with excitement. As Sunita arrived, she was greeted warmly by Usha and Reena, the event organizers. The welcome was traditional, with garlands and a ceremonial aarti. As the grand hall filled with fifty attendees, the air was thick with excitement and the buzz of lively conversations. Old friends embraced warmly, their faces lighting up with joy as they caught up on each other's lives and bridged the gaps that time had created. Laughter and animated discussions flowed freely as they reminisced about their shared college experiences, each story, and memory adding to the vibrant tapestry of their reunion. The atmosphere was one of genuine happiness, with everyone savouring the chance to reconnect and relive the camaraderie that had once defined their days together. Sunita felt both honoured and nostalgic.

"Sunita, it’s so wonderful to finally see you here! We’ve all missed you."

Sunita’s heart swelled with joy as she looked around at the familiar faces she hadn’t seen in 23 years. Each hug and friendly face reminded her of the times they shared, and she was thrilled to be part of the gathering.

As the evening progressed, Sunita learned that she would be sharing a room with Vandana and Sangeeta, the thought of reconnecting in such an intimate setting was exciting.

In the middle of catching up, Sunita noticed Usha, now a high-ranking officer moved through the crowd with an air of confidence and authority, surrounded by a team of aides who carried out her directives with precision. The transformation was striking.

 "I barely recognized Usha, she’s so poised and commanding now. It’s amazing how far she’s come." Sunita said with surprise

 "I know, right? Usha always had a strong personality, but I never expected this level of success. It’s inspiring." Meera answered

Sunita couldn’t help but reflect on how much things had changed since their college days. Back then, Usha was a bright student, often overlooked and not included in the “A-lister” group. She came from a humble background. Seeing her now, successful and confident, was both surprising and heartening.

As the evening unfolded, Usha took to the stage to address the gathered guests, her voice filled with enthusiasm and warmth. "Tomorrow morning," she announced, "we will assemble at the college campus at 9 a.m. for a formal function with our professors and the principal. It will be a wonderful opportunity to revisit the places where our journey began and reconnect with those who shaped our academic lives." She continued, "After the formal ceremony, we’ll enjoy a series of fun events until lunch, giving us more time to bond and create new memories."

The crowd responded with cheers and applause, excited for the day ahead.

 Anant now a senior manager couldn’t resist sharing a humorous anecdote from their college days. With a mischievous grin, he recounted his teenage attempts to flirt with all the girls, only to be universally pegged as “bro material.” “I tried my luck with every girl in sight,” Anant said with a laugh, “but somehow, I was always seen as a dependable friend rather than a romantic interest.”

The room erupted in laughter, with both the girls and boys joining in the fun. His self-deprecating humour and the fond memories of their youthful antics made for a light-hearted and amusing moment, adding to the evening's lively atmosphere.

As the evening unfolded, the four friends from F7—Vineet, Preeti, Kusum, and Mohan set together, their excitement palpable as they reunited after many years. In college, F7 had been the heart of campus life, known for its dynamic leadership and involvement in both cultural and academic events. They were a close-knit group, often at the forefront of organizing major events, from theatrical productions to debate competitions, leaving a lasting impact on their peers.

 As the F7 group settled together, their curiosity about Vineet's journey grew. Eager to hear about his accomplishments, they turned their attention to him. "We’ve been dying to know," Meera began with enthusiasm, "how did you achieve so much? What’s your story behind all this success?"

Vineet, with a smile, began to share the details of his journey. He spoke about his initial struggles, the pivotal moments that shaped his career, and the hard work that led to his achievements. His friends listened intently, captivated by his narrative of perseverance and triumph. The conversation turned into an engaging discussion, filled with admiration and support, as they all celebrated Vineet’s impressive success and the remarkable path he had carved out.

As everyone looked at Preeti, she shared a humorous glimpse into her current life. “You won’t believe it,” she began with a grin, “but my husband is a total control freak. He calls me every hour just to check in, and if I’m a minute late, he’s on edge. Can you believe, he wanted to approve my outfits for this event!”

Her friends laughed at the vivid picture she painted, but underneath the humour, they could sense the frustration of her ordinary life not quite matching her bright college aspirations. The mix of comedy and candidness made for a lively and empathetic catch-up.

As F7 continued their lively conversation, the absence of Gourav was still felt.  Mohan, with his characteristic generosity, presented each of his friends with handmade gifts he had crafted himself. Each gift was a unique creation. His friends admired the craftsmanship and the personal touch of the gifts.

In the corner of the room, Satish sat alone, a quiet observer of the lively reunion. Once a part of the celebrated F7, he now seemed distant from the ongoing festivities. While the rest of the group and their friends animatedly caught up and reminisced, Satish’s solitude was evident. The lively conversations and laughter flowed around him, but he remained on the periphery, with few of his former friends reaching out. His isolation, noticeable to many, cast a subtle shadow over the otherwise joyful gathering, highlighting the complexities of past relationships and the passage of time.

 As F7 caught up, their conversation inevitably turned to Usha. “It’s incredible how much Usha has changed,” Kusum observed with admiration. “She’s so confident now.” As the conversation about Usha's transformation continued, Preeti shifted the topic with a more sombre note. “You know, Usha has been through quite a lot,” she began, her tone reflecting a mix of sympathy and concern. “She went through a bitter divorce.”

The group fell silent for a moment, the weight of the news settling in. Preeti continued, “Despite everything, Usha has handled it with incredible strength. She’s focused on her career and personal growth, which is why she’s come across as so confident and poised now.”

Her friends nodded, their expressions showing a blend of empathy and admiration. They reflected on Usha’s resilience and the challenges she had overcome, adding a deeper layer of respect for her achievements and the strength she had shown. The revelation brought a new perspective to their reunion, highlighting Usha’s remarkable ability to persevere through difficult times while achieving success.

As the evening drew to a close, the friends began to retire to their rooms, each set up on a sharing basis with three people per room. The shared accommodations fostered an atmosphere of intimacy and nostalgia, as old friends settled in together. Conversations continued in the cozy confines, with laughter and stories echoing softly through the corridors. The rooms, though modest, were filled with the warmth of rekindled friendships. The shared spaces feel like a fitting end to a memorable day.

 Kusum was alone in her room, as  Vijay Laxmi and Nikki’s train was delayed and expected to arrive only by morning, while going through the details of the day’s events, her eyes were drawn to a small, attached card. She read the quote printed on it and was taken aback:

"I remember the precise moment, crouching behind a crumbling mud wall, peeking into the alley near the frozen creek. That was a long time ago, but it is wrong what they say about the past. I've learned about how you can bury it because the past claws its way out."

Kusum felt a shiver as she absorbed the haunting words. The quote struck a deep chord, stirring reflections on the persistent shadows of the past. The solitude of her room, combined with the powerful message, created a moment of introspection, she considered calling the other members of F7 to discuss the enigmatic message, but she realized it was too late for that.

She began to think about who might have given her the card.  As she lay in bed, the haunting words of the quote continued to resonate, and she felt a sense of anticipation for the next day, wondering if the meaning behind the card would become clearer.

In the next room, as three women settled into their shared room, Sunita felt a mix of nostalgia and pride. The transformation of her old friends reminded her of the diverse paths they had taken and the growth they had all experienced.

"It’s like we’ve all lived different lives and come back together. It’s surreal."

 "And yet, it feels like no time has passed at all. We’re still the same group of friends at heart, “said Vandana.

Sunita smiled, feeling grateful for the opportunity to reconnect and celebrate their journeys together.

 As Sunita sat with Vandana and Sangeeta, she noticed the small card attached to her program. Curiously, she read the haunting quote:

"I remember the precise moment, crouching behind a crumbling mud wall, peeking into the alley near the frozen creek. That was a long time ago, but it is wrong what they say about the past. I've learned about how you can bury it because the past claws its way out."

Vandana, catching sight of the card, seemed to have a sudden realization. “This card must be about Ajay,” she said, her tone sombre.

Sunita looked confused. “Ajay? Who was Ajay?”

 Vandana, ignoring Sangeeta’s attempt to calm her, replied bluntly, “Ajay was in love with you, Sunita. He was devastated when you didn’t respond to his feelings. He ended up taking his own life because of it.”

Sunita was stunned. “I had no idea about his feelings or his death. I was so focused on my studies that I didn’t notice.”

Vandana, clearly upset, added, “You were always popular and had many boys trying to impress you, but you were so absorbed in your studies that you didn’t pay much attention. It’s not just about Ajay—many felt ignored and hurt. You broke a lot of hearts without even realizing it.”

Sunita was left in shocked silence, grappling with the painful realization that her single-minded focus on her academic goals had unintentionally caused significant hurt. The quote’s meaning became painfully clear, leaving her to confront a difficult and sorrowful part of her past.

An uneasy silence settled over the room as the three friends tried to settle in for the night. The weight of the evening’s revelations hung heavily in the air. Vandana, troubled by her own harsh words, lay in bed reflecting on her impulsive outburst. She regretted the way she had spoken and found herself grappling with the consequences of her actions.

Meanwhile, Sunita, troubled and unsettled, replayed the conversation in her mind. She couldn’t shake the thought that she might have inadvertently caused pain. Had her focus on her studies and her detachment really hurt so many people? She questioned her past actions, feeling a deep sense of discomfort and introspection.

Sangeeta, caught in the middle, tried to drift off to sleep, but the tension in the room made rest elusive. Each woman lay in the darkness, lost in her own thoughts, as the night stretched on, their minds troubled by the weight of the past and the revelations they had faced.

When Satish read the quote on the small card, he was overwhelmed with a deep sense of pain and regret. The words struck him hard; Satish couldn’t shake the feeling that the card was a deliberate message from the other members of F7, intended to remind him of his past mistakes. He recalled his own actions and regrets, wondering if the card was their way of highlighting his past wrongs. The thought that his friends might be using the card to emphasize his past “sins” filled him with discomfort and reflection. Lying in his room, Satish was consumed by a sense of guilt and introspection. The card, rather than being a simple message, felt like a direct confrontation with his own history, adding an extra layer of tension to his already troubled thoughts. the card’s message stirred up a flood of memories. He recalled his deep feelings for Usha, a time when they were close and in love. He remembered how he had helped her with her studies, supporting her through her academic challenges. Usha had always been a simple, genuine person, and Satish had cherished her for that.

While many of their peers had been captivated by Sunita's charm and popularity, Satish had been devoted to Usha. His love for her had been sincere and heartfelt. As he reflected on those days, he felt a mixture of sadness and regret, realizing how the passage of time and changing circumstances had left him grappling with unresolved feelings from the past. The card had reopened old wounds, making him confront the complexities of his own history and his feelings for Usha.

Meanwhile, the hotel manager discovered the error in the cards. Realizing the potential impact on the hotel’s reputation, he grew concerned and instructed his staff to replace the incorrect cards with new ones first thing in the morning.

As dawn approached, room service began delivering the corrected cards to each room, swiftly replacing the old ones. However, by the time the new cards arrived, many guests had already read the original ones.

The unintended mistake had inadvertently opened a Pandora's box, stirring up deep-seated emotions and unresolved issues among the attendees. The revelation of the past had left many reflecting on their personal histories, and the impact of the error was already deeply felt, despite the manager's efforts to rectify the situation.

 The next morning, everyone assembled at the college for the formal function. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation and nostalgia as they gathered in the familiar surroundings of their alma mater. Professors and the principal were also present, their faces lighting up with pride and joy at seeing their former students.

The formal function proceeded smoothly, marked by heartfelt speeches and warm exchanges. The teachers, visibly pleased, celebrated the accomplishments of their old students and reminisced about their time together. The event was a success, showcasing the achievements of the alumni and reinforcing the strong bonds between them and their mentors. It was a day of mutual admiration and reflection, bringing together past and present in a fitting tribute to the enduring impact of their college years.

 Vandana looked around during lunch, her gaze settled on the F7 group, noticing that they were unusually quiet. Her attention was drawn to the fact that they weren’t speaking to Satish, who sat at a distance, visibly isolated. She also observed that Gourav was still absent, which seemed to leave a noticeable gap in the group’s dynamics.

Meanwhile, Usha was busy overseeing the event’s organization, her role keeping her occupied and away from the group’s interactions. She tried to talk to the group but they gave her a cold shoulder. She couldn't shake her irritation at being sidelined by the group she had always envied.

  As the lunch buzzed with cheerful conversations and light-hearted jokes, the F7 group remained unusually sombre. They couldn’t shake off the confusion and discomfort caused by the card from the previous night. Their concerns grew as they speculated on the card’s origin and wondered if Vandana might be behind it.

The thought of Vandana’s potential involvement made them uneasy. They remembered her jealousy and exclusion from their group, which only fuelled their fears. The group’s main concern now was ensuring that Vandana’s bitterness wouldn’t turn into something more damaging.

“We can’t let her harm Usha in any way,” one of the members finally said, breaking the silence. The group agreed that protecting Usha, who was busy organizing the event, was their priority. They resolved to keep a close watch on Vandana and ensure she didn’t disrupt the reunion or cause any trouble. How things change ,they never imagined that a day will come when they will have to face Satish once again .

Preeti  recalled how Usha and Satish had been deeply in love . Their relationship had been a source of joy and hope for both, filled with dreams of a future together. Preeti remembered the plans they had made and how their love seemed destined to succeed. However, the happiness was short-lived. While Satish was away for a crucial interview, Usha’s father had taken the opportunity to arrange her marriage to a wealthy man, leading to the end of their relationship.

As the reunion continued, F7 observed Satish sitting quietly in the corner. Despite the lively conversations and rekindled friendships around him, Satish remained isolated, his presence almost unnoticed by the others.

Preeti and the rest of the group had made the decision to avoid engaging with Satish. They harboured lingering feelings of resentment and blamed him for the past troubles. They believed that his actions and decisions had led to the emotional turmoil that followed, particularly the heartache between him and Usha.

 After lunch, few returned to their rooms to rest, with some still lingering on campus. The F7, however, headed back to their rooms. Preeti, still troubled by the card, wanted to show it to  the  others and discuss her concerns . However, when she checked the card it had the revised wording, her suspicion grew.

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

 In the evening, everyone gathered for the cultural programs and games organized as part of the reunion festivities. Usha, who had been meticulously planning and coordinating the event, was in her element, ensuring everything went smoothly.

The F7, observing Usha , felt a sense of pride. They appreciated how well she had managed to bring the event together, reflecting on her growth and accomplishments over the years.

Gourav, who had been notably absent earlier, finally arrived. His presence was met with enthusiasm and joy from the group, filling the missing gap in their reunion. Nikki and a few other attendees also joined the gathering, adding to the lively atmosphere.


As Nikki and Sushma arrived at the reunion venue and caught sight of Usha, Nikki remarked with a hint of surprise, "Oh, isn't she the same Usha who ran away on her wedding day?"

As Nikki's comment about Usha’s  wedding day stirred up memories, Preeti found herself reflecting on that fateful night. She recalled that despite her best efforts to stop Usha, that it is too late , Usha had insisted on marrying Satish.  she had left her home under the guise of heading to the parlour but had secretly planned to elope with Satish.  Forced by her determination, the F7 members, who were in a jeep ready to assist her, had transported Usha to Satish’s location.

However, when they arrived, Satish, faced with the reality of the situation, revealed that he could not go through with the marriage. The revelation had left Usha devastated and the plans in disarray. This dramatic turn of events had marked a significant and emotional moment in their lives, Usha was left with no other option. Heartbroken, she had returned home, and married the man chosen by her father.

 The F7's anger towards Satish  was palpable. They felt betrayed by his decision to back out, which they believed had led to Usha's distress and forced marriage. As a result, the F7 members harboured lasting resentment. They had decided to cut off all contact with him, choosing not to speak or engage with him ever.

Usha also heard Nikki’s remark about her elopement, she felt hurt but did something no one expected. She approached Satish and directly confronted him. "Why did you do it?" she asked, her voice tinged with both pain and frustration. "Why did you back out on our plans and leave me to face my father's decision alone?"

Satish, clearly taken aback by the confrontation, struggled to find the right words. The weight of the past seemed to hang heavily between them, as Usha's question cut through the years of silence and unresolved feelings.

As Usha confronted Satish, her voice trembling with emotion, Satish finally spoke up, revealing a truth that had been buried for years. “It wasn’t just me,” he said, his voice heavy with regret. “Gourav was the one who convinced me to back out. He said if I went through with it, your father would be so distraught that he might commit suicide.”

Usha’s eyes widened in shock. The revelation struck her like a thunderbolt, stirring up a storm of emotions. She had always believed that Satish's decision was a personal betrayal, but now the complexity of the situation was becoming clearer.

Satish, clearly pained by Usha’s accusation, took a deep breath and responded with a mixture of frustration and sadness. “I always loved you, Usha,” he said, his voice trembling with sincerity.

 Usha's eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and betrayal as she continued her confrontation. “And on top of everything,” she said sharply, “you gave all my love letters to my husband! How could you do that? Those letters were private. Usha's voice was filled with a mix of hurt and frustration. “Satish, those letters led directly to my divorce,” she said sharply. “You should have kept them safe with you or destroyed them, as you initially intended. Sending them to my husband  only allowed them to be used against me, deepening my suffering.”

 Satish's expression was troubled as he tried to explain. “Usha, I didn’t want to cause you more pain. I handed over the letters to Gourav because he said you sent him to retrieve them. I believed him.  Satish's expression was troubled as he tried to explain.   

Every thing was becoming crystal clear now . Usha and the F7, already grappling with the emotional complexity of the situation, now looked at Gourav with disbelief and hurt. Gourav spoke with tears in his eyes. “I… I am so sorry,” he said, his voice heavy with remorse. “I did all of this because I loved you, Usha.  “I thought that by intervening in your life; by orchestrating all of this, I might have a chance to win your love. But I see now how selfish and misguided that was. I never meant to hurt you. Gourav’s face flushed with shame and regret. Usha’s expression was a mix of disbelief and hurt as she processed Gourav’s confession. The small room fell into a heavy silence. Each member of the group was grappling with the weight of the revelations. The past, with its intricate and painful layers, seemed to have claws that reached out and grabbed them, refusing to let go. The realization that old wounds were still so potent left everyone reflecting on how the past had shaped their present in ways they hadn’t fully understood until now.

A crowd gathered around the emotional scene, listening intently to the unfolding drama.Usha took a deep breath and composed herself. With a brave and resolute expression, she addressed everyone. “Yes,” she said, her voice steady despite the emotion, “I was the one who tried to elope on my wedding day. ‘’Yes’’ I wanted to run away with my love, but things didn’t turn out as I had hoped. “She paused, gathering her thoughts before continuing. “I want to thank both my love and my husband for their roles in the past. It was their rejection and the subsequent divorce that pushed me to re-evaluate my life. Because of them, I faced challenges that shaped who I am today. I am stronger and more accomplished because I had to overcome those trials. I am strong, so I choose to forgive my friend too.’’

Usha’s words were met with a mixture of admiration and sympathy from the onlookers. Her courage in facing her past and acknowledging the difficult moments with such dignity. All were moved by her strength and the way she had transformed her pain into personal empowerment.  Demonstrating clearly how to come out of the claws of the past.