
Sheela Iyer posted under PenMuse-54 Poetry on 2023-07-09

You vowed to check on me, But you didn't keep your word. Years, your voice I haven’t heard, Maybe someday you will look back to see, Your deed made my life arduous, not so easy. Soaked in pain, my heart wails. She tossed my letter in the bin  What was my sin? But hope still prevails, For I love her, And her heart, I will win. Because in a relationship, we were. Why did all this occur? Reasons, my troubled mind, Desires to seek and find. Stressed heart is racing fast, and my mind blur, Is love so toxic and only a game for her? How can she be heartless? Did I deserve this grief and pain? Tears fall like rain. She has turned reckless, Yet, I love her. And her heart, I will win, Why not; in a relationship, we were.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!