HOPE... ‘a tiny flicker’

Munira Dalal posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-09

Hope is in the last flicker Of the dying candle  As it starts burning again With more life and brightness  Hopeful is the sunbeam As through tiny crack in the door it passes  Its light will dispel darkness As soon as it touches the floor  Hopeful is the ocean Its waves will rise after every fall  Racing to the shore and winning Their forward motion they’ll never halt Hopeful is the tiny bird As it gathers twigs for its nest The branches will support her home And let the hatchlings be  Hopeful are the summer clouds   As they search for nimbus in the skies  Rain will bring relief and joy To the eyes of the farmer weary Hopeful are lofty mountains With their towering heads   Climbers will reach their summit And crown them in the sky Hopeful in the sky is the Disappearing waning moon  After the no moon it will Soon again be full  Hopeful is the weary sun As it sets every evening  The sunrise that follows Will bring new opportunities   Hopeful are the breaths Of terminally ill patients Will they see a few more dawns? May the Almighty change His Will  Hopeful is mankind  That in peace we all live Pray all wars cease We show kindness and humanity


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