How Can I Say I Know No Pain?
Batool Idrish posted under
Tale-a-thlon S4: Poetry
on 2024-08-31
My dear, how can I say I know no pain
When all this while, I've taken tears in stride.
This forbidden love, how long can I hide?
Depressions, these eyes are. No more can I feign.
Sigh! These mirrors mock me - my youth is in vain!
Hollow my body like a ravine wide
And this breath in my chest, trapped caged bird inside.
These tears, rivers running down into the sea, drain.
What token can my pained heart dare demand?
I live a shattered dream; my whispers lost
In eddies of whims flowing to no land.
Sighs muffled, unheard, come at a great cost.
Inky fingers of clandestine dreams grand
Fade every summer’s day like winter’s frost.