Hungama in Assembly

Gopalakrishnan Prakash posted under QuinTale-65 on 2024-07-14

Assembly Hall. 11.00 am 

The state assembly was in uproars— a babel of voices issued forth from every corner. Opposition had stormed the well during the Chief Minister's speech. In the heat of the moment, the CM said to the Leader of Opposition (LoP), "Sit down on your backside and hopefully your brain will be choked." (Only he used a synonym of the Donkey instead of backside!). LoP retorted, "At least I have a brain somewhere. You have mud between your ears!" A chappal traversing a parabolic path hit the speaker's table. 

Instantaneously, a ruling party member landed a roundhouse on the offender’s face. Several skirmishes broke out throughout the house. The speaker kept calling for order until his voice became hoarse. He banged the gavel until his right shoulder ached. Helpless, he summoned the Marshalls, had the troublemakers thrown out and adjourned the proceedings for two hours. 

Assembly Hall, 2.00 pm 

The house reconvened and speakers from both sides of the aisle condemned the incident placing the blame squarely on each other. The ruling party moved that several members of the opposition be suspended. The opposition vehemently objected to this move. The Chief Minister rose and in a statesman-like speech requested both sides to refrain from unparliamentary acts, conveniently forgetting that the first salvo was fired by him. 

Peace reigned at last. Exclusive Club 7.00 pm The private booth was reserved for VIPs. The manager was nervous. He had heard of the trouble at the assembly and fervently hoped the main actors would not carry forward the battle into his restaurant. The CM and LoP were very friendly throughout the dinner. They were busily chomping on the variety of food spread before then. From time to time, they were lubricating their palates with generous pourings of Cragganmore single malt. 

The CM said, "I know brother, we agreed to put up a show to divert the people's minds from the real issues. Your fellow went too far aiming the chappal at the speaker." 

LoP: Sorry about that amigo. I have suspended him. Forget small matters. How about that huge contract for my brother-in-law? 

CM: All set up. He will be a 50-50 partner with my niece. We are sure to skim off 100 Cr from the top! LoP (roaring with laughter): Now that we have gotten the mundane matters out of the way, let us satisfy our gastronomic needs, eh? Laughing, they tucked into what lay before them. 

The portico of the Club. 11.30 pm 

Common Man 1: Look our frugal CM is coming out brimming with food and sloshing with the spirits. 

Common Man 2: Just this morning they were at each other's throats. Now all the bonhomie!! 

Common Man 1: Chor chor mausera bhai! 

Common Man 2: Janata sab jaanthi hai, par kar kuch nahin sakti. 

C’est la vie!