I am no Different 

Nisha Tandon posted under PenMuse-35 Poetry on 2021-11-15

People called me different, why?  To their views I did not agree  I allowed nothing to stop me My only limit was the sky!  They said I was born special  With different looks and different needs  But my dreams and desires were like everyone else And I did believe in myself too  Trying to reach for the stars  When everyone thought it was impossible.  My virtues they refused to see  I did use all my strength to fly  Before giving up I did try  Please don't judge and just let me be  I wish to lead a life of fulfillments And make everyone around me proud I request you not to single me out  But give me a chance to prove my worth  And show to the world that for me  No dream is beyond reach   And when the sun shines again tomorrow  I'd wish to embrace joy, overcoming every sorrow   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!