I Saw a Bird Fly High

I saw a bird fly high
In the rain, amidst the clouds
Mesmerised, I gazed at the sight
Random, negative thoughts cross my mind
Tearing and searing through my soul
How I wish to become whole!
Two years back, but it seems
A decade ago, my life crashed.
Again and again, I hear sounds
A thunderous clapping of two machines
On the floor, I miserably land
Bruised, broken, torn, one leg gone.
My confidence undresses itself shamefully fast
Defeat plummets me showing dark nights
Crowds of chaotic thoughts appear nastily
I hear the neighbours talking negatively
Tears well up in my eyes
My parents and brothers, all sigh
Until one day, vibrant thoughts dusted
The dirty cobwebs of my mind
My divine fragrance and beauty returned
Wooden leg, I now boast of
I am in full bloom, alive
Regaining my beauty, love and magnificence!
Today I run a Marathon race
Making my nation’s head rise high
One real leg and one wooden
I am complete like none other
My family and my brothers smile
Seeing me running fast, every mile!
The winter of my life subsides
Like an eagle, I soar high
I win a gold medal award
For my country, I stand proud
My disability becomes my ability now
Cheering, I hear in the crowd!