If Only

Moumita Dutta posted under PenMuse-57 Poetry on 2023-11-21

I’m writhing in pain, excruciating Bit by bit, ‘tis killing me from within, Feebly, I weep and plea for reprieve Hoping you’ll realize and not deprive, All I want is to live a fair life Sans the torment, sans any strife; ~ If only you could feel my pain Suffocated I am by the fumes you set free I wonder if you’ve plans to slowly kill me, In your quest for progress, you ignore  And tar our symbiotic bond, furthermore, Some days, I revolt by inviting the tempest But it hardly takes the weight off my chest; ~ If only you could hear my cries So each time you scathe a part of me I indulge myself on a restoration spree, With the help of rain, I repair and regain Knowing that you’ll torture me, again, Despite all your unfair deeds, I stand loyal For, if I cease to function, it’ll destroy all.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!