If Only I Could Live There

This is the right time Oh! my beloved,
Let's sail for the journey to that land,
Where the sun is mildly bright,
The moon glows every night,
The blue sky merges with shimmering sand.
The distant blue hills are partly clad in snow,
As darkness descends them the fireflies glow,
The misty breeze give us a shiver,
As we sip tea chilling by the river,
A fantasy land where snow meet sea, come, let's go.
The land where white doves hover around,
The couple swans float on pristine pond,
The breeze that sway the woods,
A place that freshens up mood,
The land where love speaks, a place devoid of falsehood.
To that land which condemns the language of hatred,
Where people don't open their eyes to bloodshed,
Where compassion dominates,
And empathy every heart nourishes,
Take me to that land, Oh my beloved!
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