In July The Rains Pour

Preeti Brahmin posted under PenMuse-54 Poetry on 2023-07-17

In July The Rains Pour And July has begun-  Heaving skies come undone-  Hurtling, battering or streaming their store  Of collected emotions , for earth to encore.  Pellets drum on windows  And the grounds with sudden mayhem- Sparkles and gems, As if  through a hose   Agog they rush, To meet and overwhelm  Every nook they touch without a coy blush.  Earth listens with ardour  For Indra’s bolt to stun - And bring relief well won.  When the clouds rip open with thunder’s roar  Water and soil mingle in fragrant petrichor.  Songs that lay in repose   Waken to a different realm - Now theirs to claim. Refreshed verdure glows .   Farmers, they rush,  To plant and overwhelm  Coy saplings that sway to rain’s harp and blush.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!