In New England's Embrace

Concetta Pipia posted under Poetry on 2023-08-14

In New England's embrace, he was born A bard of woods and snowy morns Robert Frost, with heart so true His words like whispers, soft they grew Amidst the fields and windswept lanes He found his muse, where nature reigns A path less trodden, his delight Guiding him through day and night With pen in hand and thoughts ablaze He penned verses in myriad ways From "Stopping by Woods" to "Birches" tall His poems weave a magic thrall A farmer's life he knew full well Through toil and sweat, his stories swell A seeker of truths, he ventured far In every line, a shining star With every stanza, rhyme, and word Robert Frost's voice forever heard A legacy, timeless and bright A poet's journey, pure, bright, and true.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!