In search of 'Me'

As he saw his son's charred body, he broke down,
Based on the evidence, it was termed suicide,
Coming to terms he wondered why, but
Days went by, he never got an answer.
Every morning when she looked at the mirror,
Face glowed the way she wanted,
Gone are those days crying in solitary,
Heavens have opened up, it's time to live.
In solitude, drifted to his son’s younger days,
Just the son he wanted, always obedient,
Killing himself, what was the mystery,
Little did he know he was party to that!
Mind plays, is what she was told always,
No one understood her agony,
Outside it seemed something was amiss.
Poor soul knew, inside was a different story.
Questioning himself, what went wrong in parenting,
Roaring son of a mighty father, he had wished.
Shortcomings can be ignored or corrected,
To give up on life why did he do that!
Under the pretext of friendship, she had found, a
Very similar structured person to her,
Who valued their friendship with good faith, but
Xena was she within, though from outside,
Young man of a mighty father.
Zeal for a new life, she burnt the young man alive.
Author's Note:
Recently read a post by a Transwoman, it is fine if you come out of the closet or not. It is your situation and your will, but it is important you live.
Readers can interpret this poem in many ways. You choose!
Xena here means - A tough, physical, confident woman
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