In the Lap of Nature

Bhatnagar posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-22

As I sat on the bench, Watching raindrops making me drenched Unable to differ raindrops and drops from my eyes Staring aimlessly at the skies Wish I could cry out loud My inside thunderstorm much fervent than cloud I wanted to talk, talk to someone But I see no-one Except for dark clouds and swaying trees Couldn’t cheer me up even the cool breeze Tiny droplets no longer make me exuberant All I could feel life as torment He, who once was my companion Has left me into oblivion Wandering adrift amidst Nature I wish to come out of my stupor With no home and no family With whom I can live happily Orphaned for life with no moments to capture Let me sleep forever in the lap of Nature


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