In Those Nocturnal Lanes

Sudha Vishwanathan posted under PenMuse-35 Poetry on 2021-11-10

Twelve times heavily the clock strikes, Yet, not a soul I see in view, ‘A lousy night,’ I cry in rue! Songs stop playing on the mikes. Why are the roads deserted badly? Everywhere is spread eerie silence. The lanes, bylanes have suddenly gone calm; Buzzing vehicles have retreated; Honking cars have become dumb, Screeching three-wheelers have come to a standstill. What is the terrible issue? Where are they who roam on bikes? Neither are in sight nor their likes. Looks like a sad night to ensue. It has to be a strike suddenly called! No one will dare turn up on the streets; Fear of being attacked lurking large in the air; But then, God, my pocket will remain empty. How do I get back to the house and face? Six mouths waiting eagerly to be fed. Oh!!!  There are so many helpless girls like me, Who get to earn only at the turn of the night, you see. Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!