Incandescent Ardor Amour Emancipated

Penmancy posted under Book Review on 2022-06-26

Incandescent Ardor is a collection of 25 poems, all of them imbued with a different facet of that magical feeling called love. Be it tender or twisted, finite or infinite, requited or unrequited, expressed or unexpressed, every aspect of love is dealt within these verses.   The poems evoke myriad emotions, some are happy and cute and some others are filled with longing and heartache.  These are a few verses I liked –  *** ‘I seem to have gone bonkers Actually that’s how I always was  And whatever I seem to salvage  Is nothing but a lost cause’ *** ‘If love had a face  It would look like you  If love could see You would be the eyes If love could sing You would be the voice If love knew how Your actions it would imbibe If love knew you Love would love you twice.’ *** The only thing that did not work for me is probably my own reluctance towards the genre. I never read romance and since I am not a poetry reader, I feel my rating is influenced by my own bias and not a reflection of the content itself.  Having said that, the language used is contemporary and the poems are succinct and easy to follow through. For readers like me, who are primarily prose readers, this is a boon. I am really bad at interpreting the hidden depths of poetry. So, I was happy to find that I was able to read and understand the poems in Incandescent Ardor easily. Recommended for poetry and love lovers! Happy reading! ~*~ Buy the book here: