Iron Lungs

Jacob John posted under PenMuse-30 Poetry on 2021-05-15

Freedom from limits is liberation, but finding solace within those limits is the purpose of our creation. With Polio, Iron lungs is where Paul fits, with no movement spent his life in a can, but finding solace within those limits. A caregiver is always needed for this man, the paralytic polio survivor, with no movement spent his life in a can. For hope, learning new things was his driver, At times was told nothing he can accomplish, the paralytic polio survivor. Became a lawyer and made others astonish, Moving ahead battling all constraints,  at times was told nothing he can accomplish. Published his memoirs with many restraints, "Three minutes of a dog" is his narration. Moving ahead battling all constraints is the purpose of our creation.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!