" When I say no, it means no. She has conveniently forgotten us, and you keep pining for her. Don’t you dare talk to me about her again. In my books, her name is erased forever, "Vinay growled, wagging an admonishing finger. He walked out of the house in a huff, without glancing at his wife, Niti.
Niti leaned her tired body against the sofa for support. She missed her dear daughter. Their only daughter, Ishya had married a boy of her choice much against their wishes. It had been almost two years since she had left home. Though she stayed in a nearby town, Vinay had ensured they never crossed each other's paths.
The constant frown on Vinay’s face had left deep parallel lines on his forehead. Though he didn’t utter a single word about her, the pain he carried deep within echoed in his silence. The departmental store that he ran became his refuge. He drowned himself in work, returning home late at night. Every nook and cranny of the house reminded him of his daughter who had left even without thinking about his feelings and emotions. The walls still echoed with her loud banter and gurgling laughter but they no longer filled his heart with joy. They scratched his wounds making them bleed profusely.
She was born after 10 years of their marriage and several medical procedures. With her birth, the house had transformed into a home reverberating with her gurgles and babbles. She had made them see the world with new eyes.
The lush green fields, tall coconut trees, blooming flowers, flitting colorful butterflies, and the blue river of the town they had lived in all their lives now felt vibrant and beautiful. The way she turned toward the cuckoo bird’s cooing as they carried her in their courtyard enthralled their senses. It was as if she had ushered spring into their lives forever. So, Vinay had named her Ishya, the spring of their lives.
She was the apple of his eye. He was so involved in pampering her and trying to meet all her whims and fancies that even before he realized she had grown into a beautiful young lady. She would fill his days with, “Papa, this and Papa that.” His days would start with Ishu and end with Ishu. She had to narrate every minute detail of her day to her dad. Niti was too busy taking care of the household and the small patch of land they owned for Ishya’s mindless chatter. But for Vinay, this was the best part of his day. Ishya's eyes would roll with each bit of information and her style of mimicking her friends who troubled her in college left him spellbound. He sat nestling his face in the well of his palms. Gently patting her back he egged her on to continue. Niti slapped her forehead watching the antics of the duo.
Ishya had to travel to the city to do her post-graduation in Commerce. Vinay had bought a second-hand bike to drop her off at the bus stand every day and pick her up in the evening. The din the father-daughter duo created as they rode with the wind in their hair was a sight to beckon. “Wonder what Vinay will do when Ishya leaves home after marriage?” The town folk spoke among themselves in whispers, fearing being overheard by Vinay.
The fact that Ishya was the only one in their family to pursue post-graduation made Vinay stand a few feet taller. When Ishya completed her education, Vinay started planning her wedding.
“I want a fine boy as my son-in-law, the one who will care for my daughter better than me. If I don’t find one, I will not get her married,” he asserted as Niti wondered if it was possible to find a perfect match for her daughter that Vinay would approve of.
Ishya had suddenly gone silent. She had stopped talking to her father and answered in monosyllables.
“Girls tend to get a little worried about marriage. It is but natural. There is nothing to worry about,” pacified Niti when she saw her husband’s sullen face.
One day Vinay burst into the house smiling from ear to ear, “Ishu, my friend’s family will visit us on Sunday. The boy is well-educated and is taking care of his family business. I have heard that he is gentle and well-mannered. My dreams will finally see the light of the day,” he beamed. Seeing the changes on his dear daughter’s face the balloon of his happiness deflated. “What is wrong with you Ishu? Why are you looking so lost? There is nothing to get so tense. We are there for you.”
After much hesitation, " I want to marry Niraj, Pappa. We studied together in college. He is a very nice guy. Just meet him once, please. He has been shortlisted for an officer’s post in a nationalized bank. He cares for me and loves me just like you do, Pappa," she stuttered twiddling her thumb with downcast eyes. Deep down she knew her father would never agree to this. He had given in to all her wishes but regarding her marriage he was firm. His past had left deep scars in his mind that refused to heal. Hope against hope she wished everything would work out just fine.
Vinay felt like the carpet was pulled out from under his feet. All the dreams he had for her collapsed like a house of cards. He was too stunned to speak. Plonking down on the couch he took a few minutes to regain composure. The ticking of the wall clock punctuated the pin-drop silence in the room. Niti was shell-shocked and feared how this would affect Vinay. She knew that his heart had broken into a hundred pieces. The trio sat in three corners of the house drowned in their sea of thoughts.
That instant, the doting father who would melt at the sight of his daughter faded into oblivion, and in his place stood an obstinate man who wouldn't budge. His mind ruffled up the past bitter memories. “I will only marry the man I love.” His sister’s booming voice still echoed in his ears.
Vinay had borne the yoke of responsibilities of his family after the untimely demise of his parents. He took great care of his only sister. When he had planned to get her married, she had eloped with the guy she loved. That was the last he had seen her. After nearly a year an acquaintance delivered the heart-wrenching news. Not being able to bear the mental and physical torture from her husband she had committed suicide. Vinay could never recover from his sister’s death. He had tried to file a case against her husband but after years of trial, he was declared innocent. This shattered Vinay but he hobbled on with painful and bitter memories as crutches for life.
Even after many years of marrying Niti, he kept talking about his sister and the pain she had to endure. But with the birth of Ishya, the ache had sedimented. He had not forgotten but he didn’t feel the need to talk about it.
Vinay feared history would repeat when Ishya wanted to marry the man she loved. He had lost his sister and he would give anything in the world to keep his daughter safe and happy. “I should have listened to the elders and not let her study in the city. I should have married her off after her graduation,” pondered Vinay sitting with his palms resting on his forehead. Ishya’s words had pierced his heart. He knew his daughter would have it no other way and he also knew that he would not let her have her way for once.
Both husband and wife tried to cajole her into changing her mind. They explained in detail about her aunt and the cause of her death. When that failed to convince her, they scolded her and threatened to get her forcefully married. Ishya stopped talking to them altogether.
Trails of tears had darkened Ishya’s small round face. Her eyes had become blood red and the frizzy hair scattered around her forehead gave her a sick look. It broke his heart to see his daughter in that condition. But fear loomed around his mind like dark clouds threatening to trigger a storm.
“Ishu, your marriage is fixed with my friend’s son. He has seen you at a friend’s wedding and approves of you. He is the right match for you. Forget everything else and get married to him. He will take good care of you. If you love me, you will not go against my wishes,” Vinay hollered as Ishya sauntered into her room without uttering a single word.
The next morning, Ishya was no found anywhere around the house. Vinay searched for her like a madman. Tears blinded his eyes as he kept calling out to his daughter,” Ishu! Ishu!”
Niti cried her heart out. The house that echoed with peals of laughter echoed with the heart-wailing cries of its owners. After regaining composure Vinay rushed out of the house and ran into the streets looking for his daughter but to no avail.
“Ishu has eloped with that wretched boy. It’s no use looking for her. We should have listened to her, Vinay,” Niti mumbled. Vinay’s angry stare frightened her. She had never seen Vinay like this before. The soft-spoken caring man seemed lost forever. Vinay now spewed out such scalding words that Niti stopped talking about Ishu altogether. Though she loved her daughter dearly she feared Vinay’s wrath.
The daughter who ushered spring into his life left him numb with pain.
The news of her registered marriage with Niraj reached their ears. Neither of them spoke for days on end.
“Where did I go wrong in bringing up my daughter?” was the question that spiraled in Vinay’s mind.
" It’s almost a year since Ishu left home. Shall we go and meet her? I heard they have moved into a new house. I want to meet her once," Niti beseeched. Her yearning and pleading did not affect Vinay. For him, his daughter was dead. The spring season was over. Once and for all.
2 years passed hence.
Vinay and Niti continued their daily routine without speaking a word about Ishu. Only customary conversations ensued. The once cheerful man who would rush home to his wife and daughter and fill them with every minute detail about his work, making them laugh holding their sides with tears rolling out of their eyes had turned cold, with gloom writ large on his face.
Niti tried hard to remember when she had last seen him smile.
Ishya had taken away their smiles, their cheer, and the very purpose of their existence. Niti had somehow come to terms with the situation but Vinay was stuck in the past. He had chosen to remain there and, in the melee, had lost himself. Niti realized that his wounds would never, never heal. It would remain open; it would remain sore forever.
" Vinay, I found Ishya writhing in pain in the Care hospital ward in the city. She was all alone," their next-door neighbor's quavering voice was enough to alarm Vinay and Niti. Vinay got up like a man possessed. Blood rushed into his face, and the veins on his neck stood out.
" I was right, all this while. She married a rogue and now he has left her in the lurch. I am going to kill him. I don’t care if I rot in prison after that. How dare he hurt my Ishu!" he bellowed admonishing his forefinger as tears streaked down his face.
Niti rushed to his side with a glass of water, " Calm down, let's go and visit her. Don't jump to conclusions, " she consoled, rubbing her nose and sniffling loudly.
Both of them ran out of the house like they were possessed. " My Ishu, he hurt my little girl. I will not spare him, " Vinay muttered as they hailed an auto to reach the railway station. He kept repeating it to himself as Niti wiped the tears off his face. “Where has he hidden all this love for two years?” She wondered resting her head on his shoulders. She uttered a silent prayer for her daughter. She dreaded that if something untoward had happened to her daughter, along with her daughter she would lose her husband too.
Sweat trickled down Vinay’s face as they gasped, " Ishu, I mean Ishya! Which ward is she in?"
" Ishya Niraj has just been shifted to Ward no.202. Visitor's time will be over in another half an hour," the receptionist stated blatantly after checking her records.
They walked as fast as they could and stopped short at the door. The door was ajar, and they saw Ishya lying on the bed and Niraj kneeling on the floor.
" Are you still in pain Ishu? I had rushed home to bring my parents for help. But they refused. I can't tell you what went through me when you were wailing so loudly with pain. So, what if we don't have our parents for help? I will be there for you, Ishu. I will take care of you and our little one. " Niraj's shoulders shuddered as he cried clasping Ishya's hands. Ishya smiled through her tears.
The sight froze Vinay for a few seconds. He was too shocked to react. His eyes filled with tears, but this time with joy. As if in a trance he pushed the door open and staggered in. Niti followed suit.
Seeing her parents, Ishya called out with joy, " Pappa, Maa. I am so sorry. I should have come to ask for forgiveness. But I was scared—very scared that Pappa would beat up Niraj in a fit of rage, " she cried, putting out her hands towards them. Vinay rushed toward his daughter and wept like a child. Niti knelt and hugged her daughter, soaking her face with tears.
A low-pitched rhythmic, repetitive cry broke their chain of thoughts.
Vinay and Niti wiped the tears from their eyes to get a clearer view of the little one. Vinay gingerly picked up the little bundle wrapped in a pink, soft blanket. He held her close to his chest and stared at the little one open-mouthed. At that moment, " Koo, Koo," a cuckoo cried from a distant thicket.
" This is how you looked Ishu, when you were born. The same small, round black eyes, soft bud-like pink lips, and chubby cheeks. This is my junior Ishu. We will name her Ridhima- the spring of our love." Vinay blabbered as a smile instantly brightened his face ironing out all the creases. His eyebrows settled down in their place as if shedding all the stress they had held over the years. Niti looked on in wonder at the grandfather-granddaughter duo. The little one had succeeded in sealing the crack in their hearts. Inching closer to her daughter,” Your Pappa is so engrossed with your daughter that he seems to have forgotten his daughter,” she gushed.
The birds chirped, the cool breeze swayed the thin curtains, the sky was orange-soaked, and the colorful flowers waved out to the rhythm of the breeze heralded the onset of spring. Yes! It was spring. Spring had stepped into their lives one more time, and this time, it came with a promise to stay forever.
Placing the baby in his wife's arms Vinay inched towards the mute spectator, Niraj. With his head bent down and droopy shoulders, he looked lost. When he looked up, tiny drops of tears filled his eyes.
As Ishya and Niti looked on with bated breath Vinay wrapped his arms around Niraj. " Thank you, for taking good care of my daughter. I accept I was wrong about you. You are a wonderful boy and thank you for bringing spring back into our lives, " he uttered trying to swallow the choke forming at the base of his throat as Ishya, Niti, and Niraj's faces lit up. Looking back at his dear wife, Niraj threw his arms around his father-in-law. Years of guilt and remorse had finally found an outlet.
The baby now cooed in Niti’s arms. As Vinay patted her chest her little fingers held on to his forefinger forming a fist.
“Now, it’s Ridhima’s turn to make him dance to her tunes,” Niti joked as the ward reverberated with laughter.