Islands in the Stream

Ramya Viswanathan posted under Book Review on 2021-08-16

The cover picture of the book really stole me and I was waiting to grab my copy. And to crown over, it is from my favourite author whose work, I admire many a time. The book has a collection of forty-eight poems divided into two sections which are Nature’s Rhapsody and Life’s Foibles with twenty and twenty-eight poems in each of the sections. The quotes that are at the beginning of each section is aptly taken. The vivid imagination along with the rich vocab of the author makes it a must read for all poetry lovers. The free style used in the poems is the authors greatest strength that has weaved the magical lines so perfect.  Like how the aroma from a strong cup of coffee can become magical, transporting me to a different world, so powerful are these poems, that I did have the feeling of being lost in the world of poetry. And yes I just wanted to stay longer as well.  The first part is Nature's Rhapsody. Each one of them delves into the unseen beauty of nature. The beautiful compilation is mesmerizing in a unique way. At the end of every poem, I have felt to discover something that had been hidden overtime. And it is the power of the words that has brought out the sparkling gems.  To name a few An ode to the night - Never have I felt the night to be so beautiful. Now the dark skies are sure to give me new meanings every night. What are days like - Such a distinctive comparison to the days, loved the thought process behind the words O moon - The rich vocab gives a new twinkling feel, making the moon even more special. Romance of the fireflies - The title says it all, a lovely read that pushes me not to turn over. The rain - Our all-time favourite, sure to get drenched in the icy words. The second part is Life’s Foibles. It deals with the people, their emotions are high or low, they enter me so deeply. There is hope, need, memories, separation, dreams, pain endured.  To name a few An ode to life - Lovely lines and towards the end, I did feel the complete cycle of life, the profound meaning conveyed.  Hope - Much needed at every second in life, the poem sows the seed of hope When I am gone - The lines kept lingering in my mind for long, a truth told in an unimaginable way. In the sound of silence - When silence speaks, it is just here. Every poem is carefully articulated giving the reader a perfect read. The flow of every poem takes us to another unimagined level of poetry. A soothing feeling engulfs me and tells me it is never a one-time read, something to read again and again. Buy the book here: