It Happens

Shweta Mathur Lall posted under Book Review on 2021-05-04

A human mind is a sea of complex emotions. A reservoir of thoughts, whose alchemy results in the most revered bond; relationships.  Bhaswar Mukherjee’s attempt at understanding this convoluted connection was an eye-opener.  His laconic yet emotion-laden approach to the complexities of human life is brilliant.  ‘It happens’ traverses a wide expanse of emotions ranging from Diyannah’s fear of trust to  Sahar’s infallible one. This concoction of short stories makes you travel to St. Paul’s Cathedral in Kolkata to the lanes of Hazratganj in Lucknow. It jolts you with all-consuming hate and then melts your heart with love.  You mistrust and despise the purest relationship due to its betrayal and then soon, succumb to another bond of pure adulation. Indeed, this book took me on a roller-coaster ride of sentiments and strengthened my belief in the human race.  A perfect blend of abandonment and absolution. This book took me on a train ride, where every stop had a different emotional appeal. Before the train moved towards the next destination, I revelled in the sensations slowly letting them seep in. Perfectly researched and accessorised with exceptional vocabulary, this book is a must-read for all.  This heady mix of hate, revenge, passion, loss, grief, adultery, and above all love defined relationships.  A cup of tea with a hint of lemon, the sun bidding adieu for the day is the perfect time to embrace this book and devour it all the way! Buy the book here: