Nallapa Naidu stared blankly at the grey pavement he stood on, as he waited for the bus that would take him to his hometown, Annapalli in Telangana. His heart skipped a hesitant beat as he sighted the old rickety town bus rumbling down the coarse road, almost falling over a speed breaker before it came to a screeching stop across him.
Rubbing off the dust that had arrogantly settled down on his old jeans, he adjusted his tattered backpack, slowly got onto the bus, and got a window seat for his first journey into the unknown.
He was least interested in the surroundings, so a window seat didn’t matter, but it helped him lean and shrink his well-built frame against the body of the bus, thus remaining invisible to the best possible extent.
Was he running away from reality? What did he know about Annapalli? How could he go to a grandfather he barely remembered?
But the reality was equally depressing. He was buried under the dead weight of a mundane job that killed his skills with no promise of revival. The future looked bleak like the scenery he watched from the unclean, hazy window panes of the bus. He had tried to stick out his arms and legs and reach out for help and advice, but also a different job. But most just used his skills to their benefit and slyly banished him from the limelight.
He pushed the rewind button in his mind as he had done so many times in the past month.
“Nallapa, why would you leave your own, potentially rich land to someone else and live in an unknown place? Come my child, I am old and there are a hundred sharks here waiting to gobble it.” Grandpa had sounded despondent.
“Ticket, Saar!” the brassy voice of the conductor forced him to hit the pause button on his contemplation.
Nallapa had finally summoned the courage to quit his job and leave the place with a few belongings.
As his destination approached, he peered out. Despite himself, he was drawn to the invigorating freshness of the countryside. He closed his eyes, the scent emanating from the mango trees and damp earth suddenly filling his senses.
The cool breeze massaged the sting of disappointment and guilt of unfulfilled dreams. He got down and touched the rough barks of the sturdy trees.
How they stand tall despite the rough treatment by nature!
Further down the road, he saw an old man rushing towards him with outstretched arms.
“Nallapa! Welcome to Annapalli!”
“Hari! Look, my grandson is here,” he shouted to a passer-by.
Nallapa was taken aback by the unrestrained joy and pride shining in his grandpa’s eyes. Next, he only saw his grandpa merrily walking with the backpack on his head, his strong hands propelling him towards the unknown destination he had once feared. He took a deep breath.
This wasn’t about escaping a past. It was about creating a beautiful future. No one would judge the mistakes he made. He could sow the seeds he liked and reap the fruits of his choices. He wasn’t sure what awaited him but knew with certainty that this was where he belonged.