Judge's Decision

Sharda Mishra posted under QuinTale-64 on 2024-06-20


“It’s about time I stopped hiding,” Judge Atal Chowdhury muttered as he sat at the bench, his gavel resting silently on the desk. The courtroom buzzed with anticipation, every seat filled. That day's case, one of the most controversial he’d ever presided over, involved two women, Ria and Suman, who stood resolute, eyes locked on the judge, ready to fight for their right to marry. Atal’s stern, wrinkled face reflected his well-known conservative reputation.

Atal's inner turmoil peaked as he listened to the defense and plaintiffs. In Ria and Suman, he glimpsed his own battle for happiness against rigid beliefs. His father's voice echoed in his thoughts, “Marriage is between a man and a woman, son. Don’t ever forget that.” Those words, steeped in tradition, had shaped his views and career.

The courtroom crackled with electric tension, as each lawyer spoke, amplifying the atmosphere. Ria and Suman’s attorney presented a heartfelt argument, detailing their enduring love and numerous trials. Atal felt their struggles mirror his own silent battle for happiness against rigid beliefs.

Traditional marriage is sacred, I've always believed. But today... 

Atal's gaze lingered on the couple. 

Their quiet love is undeniable. Why does this feel different?

Atal's heart pounded as he glanced at Ria and Suman. Fingering the worn, creased letter he carried daily, he felt the weight of his clear yet unbearably heavy decision.

During recess, Atal retreated to his chambers and reread the letter. Letter’s secret contents echoed his own vulnerability, a truth he wasn't ready to face. Atal's mind churned as the trial resumed.

How did it come to this? Their fear is unbearable. Ria and Suman's pure love pierce my heart. Is this regret? How wrong I was. Can I change?

"The court finds in favor of the plaintiffs," Atal declared, his voice steady. "Their right to marry is protected under the Constitution."

Gasps filled the courtroom, followed by applause. The two women embraced, tears streaming.

Atal stood with trembling hands.

"I have something to say," he announced, his voice breaking.

Silence fell.

"I was wrong," Atal admitted. "I can no longer deny the truth of same-sex relationships."

He paused, the weight of his confession palpable. "Someone showed me the depth of boundless love."

Taking a deep breath, Atal continued, "As of today, I resign as a judge. My past decisions have compromised my ability to serve justly."

Gasps replaced applause. Stepping down, Atal felt the enormity of his words. Though a long road to repair lay ahead that day marked his first step. Atal glimpsed hope.

Outside the courtroom, Atal unfolded the familiar, worn letter. Its message, more poignant than ever, resonated deeply.

"Dear Papa, 

I love you. I've met someone who fills my heart with joy. I hope one day you'll see that love transcends all forms. I wish you could meet her.

Love, Prema."

Tears welled up in Atal's eyes. Each step lightened a lifetime of prejudice, freeing him to embrace his daughter for who she truly was.