Just a Drink

Ramya Nair posted under PenMuse-16 Poetry on 2020-02-23

It's just a single drink' silly. What difference would just a few sips make? ''One drink'. Today it's too damn chilly. I had a bad day. Give me a break, for God's sake. It's my liver, why do you care? It's not like I am the only one doing it.  Believe me, I know when to stop, my dear Look at me. See, I am perfectly fit. You do have the right to use your body any way But then again,  don't your loved ones matter. Sip by sip, it may become a few drinks a day. Then all your illusions about control will shatter By then my friend, it may be too damn late. Starts with a single drink, and ends with you cursing fate. ____ ____ Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!