Just Ripped Apart, We Wept Aloud

Kirti V posted under PenMuse-58 Poetry on 2023-12-21

Just ripped apart from our safe base, None even lent voice to our case. What was our mistake, we didn't know, And we didn't have a place to go. The war was gory and had our loved ones depart, like a weed that's wilting they were just ripped apart. We wept aloud- "we are in need”. Our cries, ahhh... none paid any heed. What do we do now we wondered, Under refuge we surrendered. The Future loomed all over us like a dark cloud, The pain was unbearable, and we wept aloud.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!