Know Thyself

Gopalakrishnan Prakash posted under PenMuse-39 Poetry on 2022-03-18

If you know thyself you know everything In your mind that's ocean mighty waves play Back into it they do collapse again you walk free and happy, matters nothing Illusion it's that life's a constant thing Ephemeral, here today gone morrow Wealth too does disappear like a mirage If you know thyself you know everything Illusion it's that life's a constant thing Up and down, round and round non-stop you go If you are unruffled by the changes you walk free and happy, matters nothing If you know thyself you know everything Stop seeking, rest at once your restless mind you walk free and happy, matters nothing Author’s note: This is my humble attempt to present an essence of Advaita (non-dualism philosophy) A word about iambic pentamer. I subjected famous iambic pentameters such as , Shakespeare’s “To be or not to be”; Milton’s Paradise Lost, Book 1, opening lines, “Of man’s first disobediene”  . Both and give wrong count in some lines. Even Shakespeare reversed the iambin the firsr line “That (s) , is (us)”. I have relied more upon my physical count and stress and unstress as I recite and as my ear hears!!!   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!