
Leena Auckel posted under PenMuse-35 Poetry on 2021-11-18

It's an ever-growing bee line They've been waiting since forever Angst cough and impatience fever When was the last time things were fine? White coated soldiers fight Saving people’s lives recklessly Without caring for their own. Bearing insults and frustration People who recently crowded to party, Now form a mob to aggress burnt-out doctors. Whirring sirens forebodes gloom dooms New variant sneaks a shrewd peek Loving screening tests' hide and seek Fear of rising Covid deaths looms. Monitors constantly flash and beep Patient gasps as oxygen falls short Intensive care promptly issued A patient stabilised but till when? The next one has already lost the battle And the shift isn't over yet. Doctors waiting with bated breaths. As casualties wheel in, short of breath. [addthis tool=addthis_hrizontal_follow_toolbox]   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!