Land of Mine    

Akshata Hegde posted under PenMuse-39 Poetry on 2022-03-20

How I fly high in the lands of my mind, Vibrant greens, clear blue skies, plenty sunshine. Hues of love and joy spread everywhere here, A timeless blessing, here I just unwind! I travel far and high, nothing that binds, The dirt and grime, all a thought to let go. The light and colors, fodder to my soul, How I fly high in the lands of my mind Exhaustion and burn-out, a daily grind,  I cry so hard, the wrench deep in my heart Mind to the rescue, far away again A timeless blessing, here I just unwind How I fly high in the lands of my mind This land of peace helps me thrive and survive A timeless blessing, here I just unwind   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!