Leap of Faith

Khushboo Shah posted under PenMuse-30 Poetry on 2021-05-10

Like nutmeg in plum cake or in a coffee blend, Like water to a wilted sapling, Lack, not leap of faith, is worse, my friend. Is it magic, tell me, that missing "something"? Under the harsh light of worldly prudence, Like water to a wilted sapling. I call conviction what you call impudence, Like rest to a weary, defeated mind Under the harsh light of worldly prudence. What our heart knows our eyes do find, Faith in things small and benign, Like rest to a weary, defeated mind. Fragments, we fit in a larger design, We like it the least when we need it the most,  Faith in things small and benign. For a man pedalling  toward the seacoast, Like nutmeg in plum cake or in a coffee blend, We like it the least is when need it the most, For lack, not leap of faith, is worse, my friend.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!