Lend Me An Ear

Srividya Subramanian posted under PenMuse-54 Poetry on 2023-07-13

My dear, can you hear me? My disconsolate voice Or is it just a noise? I try tirelessly to reach out to thee, And keep trying to hear my own amorous plea. I aim not to give up But struggle for a bigger sky And wings to fly, Dream to fill my cup with endless love At least I will once try---- hear the symphony of heaven above. I know way to success Is not a mellow ride. I am behind the tide, I work hard to keep close, nevertheless. Send a prayer to the Almighty, who shall bless Me with tireless patience To travel beyond- far and high Without a sigh In deep reverence, O, my great love! At least I will once try---- play my symphony to heaven above.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!