Let Me Run Without A Care

Srividya Subramanian posted under PenMuse-58 Poetry on 2023-12-11

Let me run free on paths I choose Looking at nature’s abstract hues, Spanking lanky grass in the fields That waltz to the tune of soft breeze. The naughty squirrel and fragile flies I must see To paint my lips with wild berries, let me run free. Without a care, I watch the brook Catch little fishes in the nook. I grieve not if the sky turns grey, Nature’s whims can’t ruin my play. The shackles of serfdom my mind wishes to tear And breathe free till I cease to be…. without a care. *** Poet’s notes: The above poem symbolizes the child within us. Every living creature in this world is caught up in something or someone. This bondage can be sweet or acidic. But it must not kill the child within us. Engulfed by nostalgia, we think of the times we ran free. Life comes to a full circle and we want the same freedom. We must give space and time to the child in us and try to live without a care.      Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!