Life’s Like That

Gopalakrishnan Prakash posted under PenMuse-55 Poetry on 2023-09-18

Human Life is not a walk in the park Dangers unknown and hazards lay in wait Ghosts and goblins do jump out from the dark Yet we’ dance pounce’ n sing’ swaying’ to tune’ Tra la' tra la' tra la' tra la' la la' Many falsely think success is a lark But it is fate dangling on hook a bait Human Life is not a walk in the park Life's but’ a long’ unend’ing song’ of love’ Tra la' tra la' tra la' tra la' la la' It's a daily gamble to safely park vehicle of life needs to pass the gate Ghosts and goblin do jump out from the dark Do stop’ and smell’ the ros’es, breathe’ the air’ Tra la' tra la' tra la' tra la' la la' Future of humanity is but stark Waiting to punch is cruel hand of fate Human Life is not a walk in the park You Nev’er ev’er give’ in to’ despair’  Tra la' tra la' tra la' tra la' la la' Misfortune waits to leave behind its mark Friends, kin will situation aggravate Ghosts and goblin do jump out from the dark Must find ways to fight off many a shark And to scale walls destiny does create Human Life is not a walk in the park Ghosts and goblin do jump out from the dark   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!