Lost Among the Trees

Suboohi Jafar posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-56 on 2023-10-05

It was pitch black dark Sunday night, in the month of October, trees were swaying with the breeze. Coming back from the birthday party, I was lost on the street, wandering helplessly, hell worried. The street lights were not functional and there was no public conveyance available. I tried to book a cab online, but to add to my bad luck, my phone was running out of battery. I scolded myself for being so careless while leaving and also the idea to attend a birthday party, so late at night, that too on a remote place! The picture of my parents' worried faces flashed in my mind, and I gathered my courage to look for help from some locals. Then I saw a house at a lonely place. Its lights were blinking at a constant pace. I was scared to hell and I knew, it's an insane idea to take shelter over there, but I had no option. I went over there and tried to call the owner of the house, but got no response in return. I was completely drenched in sweat out of fear, but with courage, I opened the door and went in. A flock of bats ran away immediately, adding to my fear and nervousness, and I screamed. Then I looked around, it was shabby inside with old furniture, and a long staircase, that looked like a serpent tail. I could sense someone’s scorching gaze, but unable to locate, so I discarded that feeling, and decided to stay in the house for the night and leave at dawn. But after a few minutes, I was shaking out of fear and decided to leave that place. But as I took a step towards the door, it was slammed shut with a bang! Creepy and eerie noises started and the house started to collapse. I could hear an insane laugh and I knew that it was a haunted house, and I was trapped in it! Several ants came out of nowhere, and started crawling towards me. I was horrified for choosing such a lonely place and started praying to God, and then I saw a window, that was about to collapse. I ran towards it and climbed out of it. My hands were injured and my legs were scratched. The moment I climbed down, my legs felt like jelly and when I turned around, that house was nowhere to be seen! I was frightened to the depth of my soul but it was not the right time to give in, so I collected myself and ran out of that place, despite no energy. My heart was thumping and I was panting heavily, but that flight kept me running farther and farther, thanks to my adrenaline rush! Finally, I saw a police van, patrolling on that road, I went to them, explained things and took their help. It was a miracle, that I reached home safe and sound! I took a pledge, to never act recklessly in future! Author's Note: It is a flash fiction horror story that revolves around a girl who was trapped in a haunted house and how she escaped, and reached home. It is based on the closing lines of the flash fiction story- The Broken Hearted Girl, written by Sheerin Shahab. P.S. This is my first attempt to write a story, so please enjoy reading, and feel free to give your suggestions.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!