Love and Unlove

Roohi Bhargava posted under PenMuse-51 Poetry on 2023-04-10

It's very easy to fall in love,  I fell for your gentle aura,  Why is it so hard to unlove?  You hold me in your embrace,  I feel the divinity of love,  It's very easy to fall in love. You left me kaput and broken, I was alone; unable to let slip the love,  Why is it so hard to unlove?  On the alleyway when I found you, I fell for your face; handsome, chic and serene smile, It's very easy to fall in love.  You chose to play with me,  All the while I loved you; you took me for granted,  Why is it so hard to unlove?  I didn't see it coming; fell deeply in love with you,  But you broke me into pieces; unmendable,  It's very easy to fall in love,  but why is it so hard to unlove?      Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!