I was turned down, all alone and sad, Just like a stranded dog left to saunter a street. It was then I realised that my life was going bad, I renounced every challenge I happened to meet.
Till that night I saw someone who changed my ways. It was a man I knew and disliked so much, but the way I felt when my eyes met his gaze I forgot my troubles, my sorrows and such.
He helped me to come out of a hellish, dingy hole. I got my thoughts back on track and my heart set in place. He filled up feelings, one that never felt full. He got rid of my hatred, which I can never re-trace.
It was then I noticed how my life became better, for sure. He became my knight in shining armour, a gift from above My life would be nothing had I never met him, I'm glad I have someone whom I love.