Love's History

Batool Idrish posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Poetry on 2024-08-21

Pray, who’s  name do you wish to add to Love's history

Stir in  agony and ecstasy - Love's history.


Troilus chanted Cressid’s magical name in Troy’s fields

War’s hostage exchange, perfidious love's history!


In Romeo and Juliet’s veins throbbed that same blood,

Passion’s unrestrained red drop, bane of Love's mystery.


That obsessed bedouin Qays, love maddened lunatic 

Sainted at Layla’s grave, Majnun; ah Love's misery.


His flute’s melodies mesmerised her jasmine like eyes. 

Fate had it otherwise,  rejected Ranjha's history


Sing no more of Love that was forsaken, yesterday.

Batool fades in a tragic Chenab’s womb’s history.
