Love to Rescue

Beep! Beep! Monilla’s laptop notified. Pablo rushed to zoom in, barking to say hello to his lady love. It had become a ritual. Mez, the shelter owner thought it would speed up Trixie’s recovery if she could talk to someone, she knew… Pablo had beamed shyly.
Monilla, cursing under her breadth, jokingly suggested, “Hey Pablo! Time to get your own laptop buddy.”
Unmindful of Monilla, Pablo and Trixie woof woofed to their heart’s content. Trixie cheerily showed off her new black ribbon tied in a bow. Pablo noticed the healthy texture of her fur.
Three months ago, Pablo couldn’t have imagined he’d discover someone like Trixie. Just three months since he’d heard the pop-up beep on Monilla’s open laptop window while napping on the terrace floor. Lazily he’d raised his head from the ground, hitting the window with his paw to make it stop beeping. Accidentally, the camera came on. It was Mez. Hearing the urgency of her voice, he went looking for Monilla. He couldn’t find her. The main door was open.
He ran towards the shelter. Mez was too pre-occupied to have noticed Pablo reach her alone. Quickly they’d set off.
He smelt her first, behind the door. An agonising moan confirmed his suspicion. Mez tried to open the door. In vain. Going around, Pablo stood on the tip of his paws and peeked through the window grill. She was lying on the floor, a pool of gut ejecta nearby, her paws curled, teeth clenched as a cramp came and passed. She would let out small periodic moans. Silent tears cascaded down her face.
By now, Monilla had received the message. She brought the locksmith. Pablo rushed inside with the two rescuers.
It wasn’t first such operation for Pablo, yet it felt different from the word go… maybe cause it was his first independent rescue, or because of the way Trixie had behaved… immensely composed even in such circumstance.
She’d been very strong during the whole operation. No silly childish cries, no usual fuss as happens with most rescue dogs. She was pale and exhausted and her usually oily fur lacked the woolly texture. Distraught, Pablo circled around her… gently stoking her stomach with his curved, furry tail and nudging her to get up.
She had been diagnosed with gut infestation and subsequently weak digestion and anaemia. The owner had abandoned her. Mez said, “It’s gonna be a long journey to recovery for her. She has been traumatised.”
Today was special. Mez finally thought Trixie was good to go out into the world. The constant to and fro of laptop FaceTime between them had finally convinced Monilla to adopt Trixie …
Pablo pranced behind an equally excited Trixie. They couldn’t believe they were together. Cuddling against each-other, they lay on a circular cushion, his wet nose dug deep in her furry neck, his belly spooning her soft back, their paws intertwined, their synchronised breathing rising n’ ebbing in perfect harmony.
They felt content …
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