Love Twilight Whispers Softly Shared

Achla Nagar posted under PenMuse-55 Poetry on 2023-09-15

Whispers in the breeze, secrets softly shared, Amidst the rustling leaves of twilight's grace, In gentle breezes, our love is declared. Beneath the silver moon in its tranquil space, Our hearts entwined, a celestial embrace. As moonlight's glow, our hearts become ensnared, In shadows cast by branches' warm grace, Whispers in the breeze, secrets softly shared. They watch our tender, close, sweet love's embrace, In awe of love's connection, they embrace. The stars above, in cosmic dance prepared, They glimpse our love's sweet, warm, tight, close embrace. In gentle breezes, our love is declared. Through every season, our love finds its place, In storm and calm, our bond we retrace. Through seasons' change, through trials, we have dared, Together, we find solace in this space, Whispers in the breeze, secrets softly shared. With every whispered word, our love we embrace, In every glance, we find our own grace. With every sigh, our souls are fully shared, A bond unbroken, time cannot efface, In gentle breezes, our love is declared. In nature's symphony, our love takes its base, A melody of affection, a harmonious chase, Whispers in the breeze, secrets softly shared, In gentle breezes, our love is declared.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!