Magical Day and Night

Babita Kejriwal posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-19

Ah, the simplistic pleasures Of just being; Resting comfortably on the balcony swing Looking at the sunrise As the misty morning unfolds, The golden rays cascading On my aura Making it vibrant and alive. The morning dew on each flower bud Is so magically infused; A visual ethereal treat For the weary eyes, A sparkling layer of these pearls, A magnificent display of shimmering crystals Emitting delicious enchantment. As the day moves ahead, The soft breeze Caresses me tenderly Filling me with gratitude And love for what I have. I watch resplendent nature with awe As it gives so much in unending ways. Soon, it’s time for sunset, The orange ball of fire Disappears with miraculous ease, Effortlessly letting go of what was With no complaints. The peach and pink hues turn to dark blue And then inky black; Diaphanous clouds move rhythmically As millions of stars Twinkle in the vast firmament And the silver moon dancing along  With them all night, Splashing swirls of fairy dust As I slip into serene, magical slumber! [ratemypost] Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!