Me, Myself, and I
In this world boundless, and bustling
Lives a girl who's quite a fantasizer,
She's almost always lost in fictional realms
And prefers books over pricy wealth;
She chitchats with ants unfamiliar
To learn about their skills diverse,
And spends hours staring into space
Painting imaginary pictures in the air;
Though she's cool as a cucumber
She loses her temper in the mornings,
When she's forced by the wails of the alarm
To return from her beloved dreamland;
Minimalist by nature, she dodges frenzy
As if it's a silent killer,
And navigates through life's hassles
Carrying a smile, her sole armour;
She reins temptation with a firm grip,
But bows to aromas that ignite her senses,
She's none other than yours truly
A nature's child, untamed and wild.
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