Me Too

Gopalakrishnan Prakash posted under QuinTale-63 on 2024-05-17

The receptionist smiled sweetly and said, “Miss. Violet, you can go in, Saheb is waiting for you.” Violet gingerly knocked on the door and nervously chirped,” May I come in, sir?” A pleasant, cheerful voice invited, “Come in!” She stepped in and the door clicked close behind her.


Years have passed. Violet completed her master’s degree in Journalism and Mass communication from Jamia milia with first class and interned with a national daily. She completed several assignments in investigative journalism successfully and was making a name for herself. Shyam her handsome colleague seemed romantically interested in her. She resisted all his friendly overtures, but he was persistent. She found herself attracted to him. One fine morning, Shyam found a sticky note on his computer monitor. “Sorry, Shyam! I just cannot go through it.”

It appeared Violet had resigned from her job and left town. Shyam had no clue about her sudden disappearance nor her whereabouts. 


“You can't run forever, Violet”

“Romila, I can’t help myself. I know if I get any closer to Shyam, I shall be ruining both our lives. My ghosts will never stop haunting me.”

“But how long will you keep shifting bases? I know you have to confront yourself and bury your past. Come to me. I have a plan.”

Romila hugged Violet when she reached her home. Her two children were so affectionate to Aunt Violet that her eyes moistened with emotion. After dinner, Romila’s husband retreated to his home office and the children were put to bed. The two friends kept on talking well into the early hours. Tired, but determination writ large on their faces, they retired to their respective beds.

Next day, both the girls went to the clinic of Dr. Kumar Saxena, the famous psychologist. He was surprisingly young and handsome. The first session went very well. Violet confided to Romila that she felt comfortable for the first time in many years.

Three months flew like seconds. Kumar said gently, “Violet, you have made great progress. Clinically, you are cured and no longer need me. But, I love you…”

Violet rudely interrupted him,” No Kumar! That part of my life is lost forever. I cannot ruin your life. I love you too much for that.”

Kumar said, “My love! The only way you can start a new life is by killing your past. You have to take positive action. I shall stand with you all the way. It is going to be tough, but together, we can come out on the top.”

Violet whimpered and Kumar gently hugged her and whispered soothing words in her ear. 

The next day, they drove to the police station. Violet entered the SHO’s cabin and stammered, “Sir, I would like to complain of Sexual assault.” 

The officer asked, “Madam, do you know the repercussions of naming this offender?” 

Violet nodded her head firmly. 
