Memories of the School Bus

Shailaja Pai posted under PenMuse-08 Poetry on 2019-06-10

I hear the faint ring of laughter from that carefree childhood day, Like an echo reverberating, resonating from a distance far away. I fondly reminisce, ride down the memory lane Every time I see a yellow school bus on my way. The ride to school was ever fun, in sunshine or in pouring rain, Innocent banter, naughty pranks, that flying paper plane. Those childish games and silly songs, I so vividly recall, Happiness as we knew then was in little things mundane. Candies and secrets were for that friend, the best friend of them all, I remember the teasing names, each other we used to call. The coveted prize was the window seat for the winner of the race, Oh! How we jostled, pushed and shoved, sometimes endured a fall. Life goes on today, at a lightening,  maddening pace, A hundred things wear me out in a hundred different ways. No matter how my day has been, how hard or how very blue, I see a happy school bus and a smile lights up my face. _________ Connect on Social Media: _________