
Underworld syndicate honcho Albert Black was in bed with his lover Lya when he suffered a cardiac arrest. Albert was a sex maniac, a cold-blooded brutal man. He treated women as toys because according to him they were born to give him pleasure. He had only one weakness: his three daughters from his three mistresses Raina, Ruby, and Rhythm. He died leaving behind a vast empire divided equally between his three daughters.  

Raina was a gem of a person. She was warm, soft-spoken, and kindhearted. She was a beauty with an innocent face, hazel eyes, and long black hair that fell to her waist. Her beautiful smile had the power to mesmerize anyone. Raina’s mother was a vicar’s daughter. Albert saw her in a café and for the first time, he felt more than lust for a woman. Lily refused to be a part of his crime syndicate and wanted a decent life for her daughter. So, she decided to remain anonymous and lead a decent life with her daughter. 

Raina was a lecturer in college. She was in the middle of a lecture when she got the news of Albert’s demise. She rushed towards her father’s mansion and made all the arrangements for his prayer meeting. After the prayer and burial ceremony, his lawyers played a tape of his last will and testimony.  

I (Albert Black) in my conscious and sane mind divided my entire empire equally among my three daughters Raina, Ruby, and Rhythm. My daughter Raina is a simple girl at heart and a financial genius. Hence, I leave all the business decisions and control in her hands. My empire is equally divided among the three, but no financial dealing or decision can be taken without Raina’s approval.  

Both Ruby and Rhythm were casting evil smiles and dark stares towards Raina.  The contents revealed that my second daughter, Ruby, would manage my casinos, pubs, and hotel chains. Meanwhile, my estate, other business interests, and my position as the head of the organization will be passed on to my third daughter, Rhythm. Rhythm will now be the new face of my syndicate. The provisions of my will are non-negotiable. It will remain sealed for three years, and if everything is in order after that time, Raina can transfer control to her sisters. However, if something happens to my three daughters before the three years are up, all my wealth will be donated to charity. This tape was recorded five years ago, the day after my 75th birthday. On that day Raina saved my life by taking the bullet wounds meant for me, risking her own life to protect mine. Her actions showed her pure intentions and selflessness. 

Everyone walked out of the room talking in hush-hush voices, only Raina remained seated on the sofa lost in her thoughts. “Why has father given me such a big responsibility? I only helped him when he asked for financial assistance. For the past few years, Ruby and Rhythm have been a part of his business, they both were involved in it. Then why has he put such a huge responsibility on my shoulders? I just did my duty towards my father five years ago. Why? Why? Father, have you involved me in all this mess? I am not capable enough and this will stain the relationship between the three of us even more. My mother kept me away from all this luxury and your business but now you have involved me completely. I do not want to do this, but I cannot even ignore your last wish. What should I do? " ........   


Ruby was a sex maniac like her father. Whenever she felt stressed, she used to walk straight into the blue room of her hotel removed her clothes dived in the sauna and had wild sex with two men simultaneously. She felt rejuvenated and her mind started working at top speed. 

She went to the twenty-fourth floor of Hotel Royal, closed the door of her office and moved towards the window with a lighted cigarette in her hand. She puffed and puffed dozens of cigarettes in one go and then a cunning smile appeared on her face. She turned towards her desk, sat down on her chair, and dialed a number. After thirty minutes she disconnected the call, and a shine appeared in her eyes.  

In November near Halloween, a three-night casino fair was organized. A huge profit was earned from that fair. Half the amount was illegally transferred to another country. When Raina confronted Ruby about the embezzlement in the accounts. There was a big showdown between the two and Ruby slapped Raina hard and said “You bitch who gave you the right to meddle in my matters, you are just a puppet do not take this authority too seriously. Otherwise, be ready to face the consequences.”   

 Ruby hosted her birthday bash on a cruise. Both Rhythm and Raina were invited. It was a beautiful evening. Ruby was looking breathtakingly beautiful in a ruby-red strapless gown; her hair coiled in a bun. Her ruby-red lips were giving hot signals to the men out there. Rhythm was dressed in a short black cocktail dress her long shapely legs gave men a come tangle with me sign. Raina’s innocent beauty was giving her the hue of an angel.  

Raina started feeling uneasy and unusually hot in the middle of the party. She started behaving out of her character and pounced on the man she was dancing with and started sexually assaulting him. She started removing her clothes and kissing him all over. Ruby was smiling a naughty smile seeing her plight, the media started clicking pictures and Ruby and Rhythm were smiling thinking about the headlines on all social media. A scandal that was going to rock the party circuit. 

After making a laughingstock of Raina. Ruby started acting as her defender “Please, please! Leave her alone.” She covered her with a sheet and sent her to her room. Ruby applauded herself for her well-planned strategy and hit the bull’s eye. She had mixed a date rape drug in her drink which made Raina behave so recklessly. Ruby not only wanted to ruin her reputation but also wanted her revenge, which she successfully avenged. Ruby wished herself a happy birthday and laughed at a bad girl's smile. “Wait and watch girl, there are many more poisonous arrows aimed your way.” 

Early morning when Raina opened her eyes, she saw herself entangled between two naked men and one of them was caressing and kissing her breast. She screamed, rushed towards the washroom, and locked the door. 

One Year later 

Ruby received a message ‘The sparrow was ready to dive in deep waters.’ Ruby smiled and created a circle of smoke with her cigarettes and started moaning in pleasure when her lover started kissing her thighs and entered her body with full force, she cried harder sweetheart ride me high.  

Ruby entered her den and came face to face with Raina. Ruby was speechless; the doctors and the trainer had done miracles. Nobody could differentiate one from the other. She entered the room were 

 Raina was held captive. One month ago, Raina was abducted when she was returning from her college. 

After her scandal Raina went abroad for six months, that scandal ruined her reputation and Ruby and Rhythm helped her out of that mess. When she returned the scandal was outdated. But she did not know the real conspiracy going on behind her back. 

Ruby locked the door and asked her henchmen to take care of her. Now the time had come to send her back where she belonged but not Raina but her look-alike............... 


Rhythm entered her den and went straight to the man tied with ropes. She kicked him hard and shouted at him “You son of a gun. How dare you think of two-timing me? She shot him and ordered her men to get rid of his dead body.” 

Rhythm was a cold-blooded brute like her father. Money and power were the only things that mattered in her life. Rhythm was a party animal, she partied hard, and, in this way, she stayed alive in the social circle. Her sharp mind and hawk-like eyes gave her a clear view of all the conspiracies. The plans executed behind her back made her an expert manipulator in her game.  

She was after a big deal and after it was a success, she hosted a lavish party. Every high-profile person and competitor was invited. Ruby and Raina also appeared at the party. Rhythm was looking like a doll. Her shoulder-length, curly hair gave her an ancient goddess-like appearance. Her shiny silver short backless dress shapely long legs and hourglass figure gave her the look of a siren. Men were drooling on her behind her back because if she came to know of their thoughts, they were dead.  

Rhythm was receiving and mingling with guests, but her hawk-like eyes were fixed on her two sisters. Something was nagging her about their behaviour. The party went on all night. It was 4 AM when Rhythm entered her room, removed her high heels, and walked barefoot towards the patio. She rarely smoked but today she felt a need for a cigarette. She lit a cigarette but did not smoke it. Her mind was busy scanning the events of the evening. She dialed the number of her trusted assistant and gave him some instructions. 

One week after the will's completion of the stipulated period. The lawyers and Raima, Ruby and Rhythm were gathered in their father’s mansion for the final paperwork about the will. The lawyer opened the document and read aloud the decisions, made by Raima. She handed over the complete rein of Rhythm’s business to her as her financial dealings were clean and precise. But she refused to hand over the full reins to Ruby as she had found flaws in her financial accounts. Ruby was staring at Raina with angry eyes, and she was shocked. Ruby walked out of the room like a wounded tigress seething with rage. 

 Around midnight Raima returned to her apartment, the moment she opened the door Raima was shocked to see Ruby sitting on the lounge sofa. Raima got scared and her face went pale. Do you think you will remain alive after backstabbing me? How much did she pay you to double-cross me or were you the one who sold her loyalties to Rhythm? Do not talk about loyalties, this word does not sound good from a hypocrite’s mouth a voice sounded from the doorway.  

Rhythm entered with her men. They tied both Ruby and Raima with the ropes. Rhythm told Ruby, “You think you were being very clever with your plotting and planning, and nobody will get any inkling towards your master plan. You were trying to con, an expert my dear. You let the cat out of the bag, the day you walked into my party. A person who can sell herself for the first time is never to be trusted. Anybody can buy her loyalties by paying a higher price. The second mistake you made when you barged into this apartment tonight without checking on the actual Raina. The person you met in the villa was real Raina, my darling sister." Darling Ruby took time to say goodbye and Rhythm shot both and walked out of the apartment.   


I sprinted like a mad woman for how many hours, minutes, or seconds. I do not remember. I stopped only when I was sure I was far away from those dark alleys, I fell unconscious. When I regained consciousness, I was lying on a soft bed, and he was lying beside me, caressing my naked body. The man I detested and wanted to escape got me imprisoned once again. 

Welcome back to the world of living people Lily. Albert was smiling a smug smile; you cannot escape from my clutches. Stop fighting me and enjoy my company until I am bestowed upon you. You became my obsession the first time I saw you. I tried to vow you with expensive gifts. But you were stubborn like your old colt. I tried reasoning with your father to allow you to be my mistress. Your father, a vicar, considered himself superior and me a lowly criminal. I (Albert), who had everything and could provide a lavish lifestyle for his daughter, was beneath him. He deserves to die along with your childhood sweetheart Derrick. Now you are my keep, I tarnished your image. You have no place to go except to run into my arms.

Lily died a thousand deaths seeing her innocent father and fiancée's dead bodies. It was a dreary day in Lily’s life when Albert saw her for the first time in a cafe with Derrick. Albert wants every beautiful woman to be his slave; if he likes a woman, he must have her by hook or crook. 

He has no respect for females. According to him, women are born to give him pleasure. Lily and Derrick were sitting at a corner table, and Albert sat in the center having dinner with his current flame when he saw Lily. He called the manager and ordered him to send the best wine on their table and to charge their bill to his account. 

He sent a message to Lily 

‘For a fresh and pure beautiful Rose, from an admirer of beauty.’ 

Lily and Derrick were surprised to know somebody paid their bill and gifted them the best wine. Two roses arrived at their table. One was fresh and beautiful, and the other one was withered. They both asked the waiter, “What is going on? Who settled our bill and why? Who sent this message and roses to our table?”    

The waiter replied, “Sir, madam, our esteemed customer, Mr. Albert paid the bill and asked me to deliver these things to your table.” He pointed towards Albert who was exiting the gates of the restaurant. 

It was the start of Albert’s obsession with Lily. He started sending flowers and expensive gifts to Lily. At her workplace, and home. People started talking about her secret admirer and how shameful she was to accept gifts from someone when already engaged. One day Lily was returning from work when Albert stopped her and asked Lily to sit in the car. 

When Lily refused to do as she was told, his men forcefully pulled Lily into the car. 

Albert told Lily, “I think of you day and night, your innocent face, beauty revolves around my eyes. You have become my obsession darling. I could not rest until I made you mine. I can give you everything; a lavish lifestyle, diamonds, jewels, whatever you ask for dear. Just accept my proposal and be mine.”  

Lily stared at Albert’s face and showed him her ring. I am engaged and love my fiancée. Thank you for your proposal. I am not interested, and please stop wasting my time and your money. If you try to harass me again, I will report you to the police. 

Albert gave Lily a sly smile, “Baby, I was trying to vow you like a prince. But now the facade is over. When Albert sets his eyes on something nobody can stop him from owning it. I will put my stamp on you, Lily.” 

Lily tried to slap him, but Albert caught her wrist and kissed her fingers. You are mine, Lily, and nobody can stop me, not even you. Lily hurriedly stepped out of the car and ran from there. 

Lily’s father was anxious for her daughter. Who is bestowing such expensive gifts on her? Who is sending her flowers? Where is Lily? Is she interested in someone else? All these thoughts were churning in his mind when Lily entered her house. She was scared and drenched in sweat. When Lily saw her father, she felt relieved and hugged him tightly. 

He took her inside and told her to relax, giving her a glass of water. When Lily calmed down, he asked her to tell him everything. Lily narrated the whole series of events from the night of dinner to today’s plight. I did not know him and met him for the first time. He wanted me to have an affair with him and ditch Derrick. Father, he is an influential man, and I am very cared; help me.  

Lily’s father could not sleep the whole night. He went for his early morning prayers, but his mind was not in it. He had a surprise visitor in the form of Albert. Albert offered him cash and a lavish lifestyle; Lily would be his in return. Lily’s father screamed, "You bastard; my daughter is my respect, my soul; how dare you insult my self-respect? Get out,” Albert laughed and walked away. 

John (Lily’s father) decided to fix Derrick and Lily’s wedding as soon as possible. He invited Derrick to his house and explained everything to him. Derrick was filled with rage. He agreed and John decided to perform the wedding secretly and silently. 

The day dawned, and Lily, dressed in her bridal finery, looked radiant and beautiful. John’s eyes filled with tears seeing his beloved daughter dressed as a bride. He said, “I am sorry Lily, to get you married like this. You deserve every happiness, and for not giving you the wedding of your dreams. Let us go if you are ready.”   

John and Lily arrived at the church. Derrick and his family were already waiting inside the church. John walked Lily down the aisle. The priest stated the marriage vows, Lily and Derrick said, ‘I do’ and exchanged the rings. The priest told Derrick now you may kiss the bride. A voice shouted from the doorway not so fast, and everybody turned. Albert walked inside the church with his goons. Lily’s father stepped forward and tried to stop Albert. Albert shot John and screamed I told you, old man, Lily is mine. Even then you got her married to someone else. Now I am not responsible for the consequences. The church was filled with bloodshed as Albert went on a massacre and killed everybody present in the church except Lily. 

Lily stood there like a lifeless statue, seeing the bloodshed of her loved ones but no sound came from her throat. The happiest day of her life was the funeral day of her family. Lily was married and got widowed within minutes. With all these thoughts going on in her mind she collapsed and fell to the ground. 

She remained in this state for two days. When she regained consciousness, she was lying in a hospital bed. She remembered the incidents vividly and tried to scream, but no sound came from her throat. The door opened and Albert stepped inside. Seeing his face, Lily became hysterical, and the hospital staff pacified her by giving her sedatives. They warned Albert not to give Lily stress; otherwise, she may lose her mental balance. 

Fifteen Days Later 

Lily had a nightmare, and she screamed in her sleep. She woke up and realized she had her voice back. She tried to move but her hands and legs were tied. Tears flowed from her eyes, and she cursed Albert for her sad plight. She was a prisoner in a gold cage where her feathers were ruffled and until she surrendered to the demon, she could not breathe of her free will. 

Lily knew crying was not an option, she had to sharpen her willpower to fight back and find a way out of this hellhole. Albert came to visit Lily and, mockingly said, “The songbird got her voice back and untied her hands. He traced her lips with his fingers, then tried to kiss her.” Lily averted her face and when he forcefully pulled her, she scratched his face and then spat on him. 

Albert cleaned his face with a handkerchief and slapped Lily. You witch, I had enough of your tantrums; now it is time for a payback. Lily fell unconscious. When she regained consciousness, she was lying with her hands and feet tied again. Lily decided she would not surrender and find a way to escape from this hell.  Every day she waited for the time to show mercy on her and today would be the day of my freedom.  

Lily got a chance to escape one night. The attendant came with a tray of food. He untied Lily’s hands and feet and placed the tray on the side table. Somebody called his name, and he went outside to look, leaving the door ajar. Lily got the chance she had been waiting for. With lightning speed, she ran into the corridors, dodging the security, hiding behind doors and with caution, managed to reach the main doors but the door was locked. 

There was a built-in cupboard near the door. Lily hid inside it and closed the doors so she could check the outside view from the peephole. How long she waited inside, she did not know. She dozed off for a while and woke up with a jolt when she heard voices from outside. She peeped out and found the door open. Lily ran like a maniac and managed to free herself from their clutches. 

I remember the precise moments, crouching behind a crumbling wall, peeking into the alley near the frozen creek. That was a long time ago, but it is wrong what they say about the past; I‘ve learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past claws its way out. I screamed with all my mighty strength, but nobody came to my rescue.  

I am Lily (Raina’s mother). The devil wanted my surrender and body. He played with my emotions and body every night. I died a thousand deaths every time he abused me sexually. I hardened my heart and let him explore my body till the time he got tired of it. I promised to take revenge on him and would wait for my time and turn.  

The dye was cast a long time ago; the wait was over today. The wheels turned, and the time came and the promise I made to myself reached its second milestone. Your beloved daughter Rhythm killed your other daughter Ruby in cold blood, like a father-like daughter. Ha, ha, ha, the wheels of fortune had turned. Lily sat in a chair thinking about these events with a smile of peace and satisfaction. I have not buried my past but kept it alive and fresh in the form of my daughter Raina.  

When Lily discovered she was pregnant with Albert’s child. She was not happy and wanted to abort the child. She wanted no seeds of Albert in her womb. But then she realized the child has no fault and control in choosing his or her parents. Moreover, the child is my flesh and blood. In hatred of one person, I cannot abort my child. 

The attraction for Lily soon fizzled out for Albert. He searched for other pastures to satisfy his carnal appetite. Lily laid down certain conditions before the baby’s birth. First, I want a quiet place far away from your glittering world. Second, I want to give my child a normal childhood and freedom to live life. You will not visit my home in future. I will be the sole decision–maker in my child’s life. Albert agreed to Lily’s demands but laid down one condition that his name would be listed as the father on the baby’s birth certificate instead of her beloved husband’s. 


Lily brought up Raina as a normal kid. She wanted Raina to learn hardships and how to fight against tricky situations. Lily was training Raina to be a warrior. Raina was sharp, academically brilliant, and a financial genius. She was fearless and had a razor-sharp mind like Albert. She wore a facade and presented herself as timid, hiding her sharp claws by presenting a good two-faced image. The one redeeming quality of Albert was that he loved his daughters. He admired Raina’s simplicity and sharpness. Lily understood this thing quite early. She never allowed Raina to change this image. She never discouraged Raina from meeting Albert but told her to observe Albert keenly.  

By observing Albert, Raina knows how his mind works. What his likes and dislikes are. Whom to trust, and what decisions to be made according to the circumstances. He was a swine who trusted nobody. That was his biggest quality which made him so successful. Raima played her cards at the right time and won his trust. She was the one who staged an attack on Alberton on his birthday. She then endangered her life for him to gain his trust. After that, everything seemed like a cakewalk. 

She gained financial control of the entire empire. Ruby and Rhythm considered Raina to be beneath them in everything. Now, their ego had to take a backseat when they had to accept her decisions. This was the first milestone she achieved on her mother’s behalf, the first stage of revenge for her mother’s suffering and her family. Revenge was like a dagger in Lily’s chest which had grown roots in her heart and flowed like poison in her body. 

Raina embezzled cash from the business and maintained fake accounts. Being a financial wizard it was easy for her to frame Ruby. Ruby was hot-headed and hated both Raima and Rhythm. Raina played on her weakness and pretended to be a friend of Rhythm. She handed over control of Rhythm’s share to her and gained her trust. On the other hand, Raina dented Ruby’s ego by not handing over her share. Ruby committed a mistake in not judging the situation well in her anger and took her enemies lightly. Hence, she was defeated in her game and lost her life.  

Raina played a dumb fool and acted as a putty in Ruby and Rythm's hands. Both took Raima lightly, but she proved herself as the key player and outwitted them in this game. She acted on rhythm’s scheme and let her take the reins in her hands. People like Rythm were born leaders and power-hungry. They could not take commands and advise from others. So, Raina acted as a dummy accordingly and got Ruby assassinated at the hands of Rhythm and had the last laugh. 

Raina kept tabs on them while pretending to be out of the country. Ruby’s meeting with Ira (Raina’s look-alike) was no coincidence. Raina first saw Ira on the streets committing petty crimes. She offered her good money to spend an evening at a high-end club dressed in designer clothes and enjoy food and wine free of cost. For Ira, this was a dream come true, she readily agreed. Raima knows Ruby frequently visited this club and her strategy paid off. When she was kidnapped by Ruby’s goons returning from work one evening. The game and movement of every pawn had shades and colors painted by Raina.  

Raina entered her mother’s apartment and hugged Lily. “Mother, slowly and steadily, we are reaching our goal. The stakes are higher, and the game is getting dangerous and interesting,” said Raina. But Mother Rhythm is a tough nut to crack. She is ruthless and dangerous.  


Rhythm vanished without a trace after killing Ruby and Ira. Rhythm needed time to think and plan her next move. Now that Ruby was out of the picture, she wanted the ownership of the empire in her hands. Rhythm spared Raina’s life only because the power still lies in her hands. Rhythm wanted everything to settle amicably. After that anything could happen to Raina. 

Rhythm called Raina and invited her for dinner at Albert’s yacht. Raina arrived dressed in a short black dress. In contrast, Rhythm was dressed in a red dress. Let us sit on the deck, the breeze and view were breathtaking. On the deck, the table was set, and drinks were served. After dinner Rhythm dismissed her staff and asked for papers. Raina placed the papers on the table and said, “I transferred the control of the business, properties and other financial assets in your name, Rhythm.”  

Oh! My poor innocent sister mocked Rhythm. I am not a fool, Raina; I know the inside story of how you gained the confidence of our father. The drama you staged to save his life to win his trust so that you can lay hands on the financial control of his empire. It was you who embezzled cash and maintained fake accounts. The idea of your look-alike was the seed of your mastermind. Your pretense of acting like a squirrel is over, you are a chameleon with a masked face. Now it is your turn to say goodbye to this world. Before that you deserve applause.  

Not so fast, Rhythm; I am happy you saw my true colors. A black pot has no right to call a kettle black. You spared my life only because you wanted the entire control of the empire in your hands. Do you take me for a fool that I would hand over the reins to my enemy when my life is at stake? Now, it is my turn as I am of no use to you. 

Bravo, and before Rhythm could fire, a pistol shot took Rhythm’s life. She lay on the ground dead. Lily was standing behind Rhythm with a pistol in her hand. Lily shouted, looking at the sky. Albert, today I avenged my revenge. You ruined my life, and I put the final nail in your family’s coffin. The tables turned and my time came knocking on my door.  Sometimes I wish I could just rewind to the old days and press pause-just for a little while and be with my father for some time. They threw Rhythm’s body into the ocean. Raima hugged Lily and they both walked away like a queen breathing freely in the warm night. The past is buried forever.