Moments Lost

Pradnya Surve posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Flash Fiction on 2024-08-10

Madhuri sat by the window looking at the hustle bustle on the road. It was raining cats and dogs. Water drops trickled from the window making a rhythmic sound. The busy road across her two BHK apartment was overflowing with people and vehicles. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry almost panic stricken. Sound of cars honking, bicycle bells ringing mixed with people talking in different decibels competed with the rain and thunder.

The decorative artificial plants were standing in two corners of her living room as she always wanted, Paintings that she had picked up from the art gallery, curios, and souvenirs from her global trips, everything seemed to be placed well. Her house had become her pride possession with modern gadgets, services making her life easier.

As she sat on the luxurious couch in urban solitude, Madhuri missed the golden moments shared with her family. The clock that she had got on one of her trips abroad ticked away. Her mind turned pages of an album making her nostalgic.

She struggled to get up from the sofa and held on to the arm rest to lift herself up. Her plus size dress was wrapped around her body like a sack. She breathed heavily as while moving around her house. As she crossed the mirror in the passageway an overweight obese figure stared back at her. Madhuri was startled by the sight of an unknown entity in the mirror.


Aai…… ten-year-old Madhuri entered the house jumping. I am hungry…... before she could finish speaking aroma of idli, sambhar reached her olfactory senses. She quickly changed her clothes, freshened up and dived into the delicacy.

Madhuri was a healthy child who shone in academics and extracurricular activities as well.

She was tall, slim and fit with minimum health issues. Madhuri’s best friend Sheena was on the other hand overweight and often mocked by classmates. Madhuri was her saviour in many odd moments of body shaming.

Madhuri’s mother Asha was an excellent cook who dished out nutritious food for her family. Asha’s culinary skills were far ahead of any Master Chef. This was endorsed not only by the family but neighbors, relatives and guests visiting the family.

Mealtimes were enjoyable not only because of the well laid out table but it was a family get

together. Everyone shared their day’s happenings and poured out their hearts.

The laughter and conversation rang into Madhuri’s ears completely enveloping the din outside her house. The family always gathered in the living room to watch television. This was like an event, what with piling onto the sofa, fighting over the remote control and laughter and conversation over the telecast.

Madhuri felt the silence around her now too sad and somewhat eerie. She missed the chatter, Aai’s hustle around the house, Baba’s natya sangeet playing in the background, Grandma’s stories of the past and generally a playful in the family. Her parental home was a spacious house in a small quaint town - pristine, clean and well maintained. It was a home where the pillars and walls bore testimony of a loving family residing there. The affection and care were seen in every corner and every moment in that home.

Shantivan, the beautiful ancestral home of Madhuri’s family had a beautiful garden where every plant was nurtured with the same love as generations in the family were nurtured.

The artificial plants in her living room did not have the life that plants in her garden back home had. Through misty eyes she saw Baba watering the plants, Aai nurturing the vegetables in the kitchen garden and grandma sitting in the garden telling stories.

The modern elevator in her building was no match to the stone steps of her family home. On festival days the steps were adorned with beautiful rangoli. Madhuri sat next to her mother watching her long fingers smoothly laying out designs.

However, of late the elevator was a boon to the now obese Madhuri.

An academically brilliant Madhuri excelled in extracurricular activities too. Moreover, she was a neatness freak. Her brightly painted room, which she shared with her younger sister, was always sparkling with things kept in place. She also was extra careful about her health. A balanced diet and controlled eating habits kept her fit.

Over the years Madhuri felt claustrophobic in her room, house and the small town. An ambitious Madhuri had dreams of living in a city with all its perks and glamour. Her excellent track record soon got her a job in a big corporate. She was only too excited to taste the city life.

She entered the maze of Mumbai, to report for her job.

A hectic work schedule and no experience in cooking made Madhuri resort to patronizing food delivery services. Fast food or rather junk food took over her healthy eating habits that she was used to in her parental home. Her breakfast of idli sambar, upma prepared by Aai was replaced by toasted bread with thick layers of butter and jam. Lunch was no longer Chapatis, dal, vegetables. She would barely find time grab a quick burger or pizza.

Tea, coffee, aerated drinks were consumed frequently throughout the day.

Oily food stuff from nearby restaurants was ordered when she worked late into the night at her office. The scene did not change even if she was back home for dinner.

On holidays she began to wake up late unlike her earlier days. Earlier she would out of bed early and would go for a walk and exercise.

As she got immersed in city life sleep took over and morning walk and exercise soon became things of the past.

Her interest in reading, catching up with family and friends also dwindled. The food delivery boys left her food parcels at the door.

On holidays Madhuri picks up the morning newspaper, milk packet in the afternoon. Breakfast time was missed so junk food would be ordered for brunch.

Madhuri, who lived a healthy life back in the small town now became a city girl. Her fast-paced life had all the ingredients of the city life- waking up late, eating junk food, Tv shows.

Lethargy and laziness soon captured Madhuri.

So, Madhuri’s obesity and health issues were not a surprise at all.


The rain continued to pour, thunder roared and lightening flashed.

She aimlessly clicked on the smart TV remote as the screen changed showing pictures were like a group of aliens dancing before her. The lively banter back in her family home rang in her ears as she could see images of the family before her eyes. Her arms moved as if someone was fighting for the remote.

“Chinky, stop it…. Madhuri screamed only to realize that there was no one around.

Madhuri’s weight related health issues made her lonely and delirious. She often would be speaking to imaginary people. Ath her workplace colleagues were worried about Madhuri’s irrelevant talk. Her presentations, that were appreciated for precision and innovative ideas were now dreaded by all at her office.

A tall slender Madhuri had impressed everyone at her office by her convivial, energetic and sincere personality. She was always punctual, alert and smartly dressed. Her slim body was dressed in neat clothes enhancing her smart looks.

An obese Madhuri now became lethargic and poorly dressed in baggy clothes.

Madhuri’s colleague Kalpana once had a candid talk with her.

“Madhuri, why don’t you consult an expert to deal with your weight issues”.

Madhuri just shrugged ignored this warning.

Her colleague Rajeev, with whom she shared a special relationship, now began to maintain a distance from her. Rajeev was initially impressed by Madhuri’s smart looks and efficiency at work. He made extra efforts to get closer to Madhuri. In fact, he went one step ahead to get a project along with Madhuri. He knew that this would be a good way to be in Madhuri’s proximity and spend some time with her.

As they built rapport coffee and lunch dates became a regular affair. There was grapevine about the two, but people also felt that they made a perfect pair.

But the real alarm rang when Madhuri fainted during one of her presentations. She initially had slip of tongue which was overlooked by those present. Suddenly Madhuri felt the whole world moving like a roller coaster. She woke up only to see the white ceiling and drab linen of a hospital.

As she lay on the hospital bed Madhuri reminisced taste and aroma of the culinary skills of Aai, who effortlessly balanced the kitchen and other household chores.

Was she too hasty to leave behind her dear ones just to embrace the glitter of urban life. The home filled with so many people, laughter and innocent joy gave her precious moments to last for a lifetime.

Madhuri remembered the discussion her friend had with her about weight issues and how she he ignored the advice.

Madhuri felt nauseated at the thought of the junk food that she consumed over the past one year. Her stomach churned at the mention of tea, coffee ,aerated drinks.

She also shuddered as she remembered how Rajeev ignored her of late. She could no longer see the love and special feelings that Rajeev had for her.

How Madhuri wished she could turn back in time to relish Aai’s Aamti bhaat.

Moments lost are moments gone.


-       Glossary:

-       Aai: Mother

-       Baba: Father

-       Aaji: Grandmother

-       Natya Sangeet: Form of Indian classical music

-       Aamti: curry