Mortality's Melodic Muse

Glory Neeraj posted under Poetry on 2023-08-21

Wings weave intricate patterns a fleeting ballet life's delicate dance graceful flutter in transience a fragile moment held squeezed in a fleeting gaze. Reminders etched unwavering in mortality's clasp youthful dreams once chased with carefree exuberance gripped by loss truths carve lines on weathered faces. Delicate memories linger resisting the erasing touch soulful elegies whispered vanished spirits in the breeze hope alights on butterfly's wings a flight from despair. Glowing light treasuring the scarcity of time's jewels tenacity blooms tending wounds with the gentlest touch as the globe of time weaves stories both known and unknown. Threads spin beginnings while others are unraveled moments unfurl secrets like whispers that linger life discovers its unique melody in the transient flight. Twinklings intertwine between the opus of existence notes of fleeting beauty echoing through time's expanse each heartbeat a verse in life's intricate design. *** Author's Note: Amidst fleeting moments, 'Mortality's Melodic Muse' weaves a dance of existence. Through loss and light, the poem whispers profound truths, reminding us to cherish life's delicate melodies and timeless stories.    Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!