Mother’s Nest

Navita Goel posted under PenMuse-54 Poetry on 2023-07-20

Your treasure you call me, A blessing from above. I have grown with your love, Your mirror image, I always will be. To be fearless, yet deferential you taught me, Now, with you by my side, Unknown paths I gleefully tread. What lies ahead, I will trudge with pride. Brimming with zest, As bride looking ahead, You say, I should cross threshold of this nest. My beacon you have been, Honed all your skills and grown. Sometimes tantrums are thrown, But, you ignore and treat me as a queen. Leaving my home for another, I am not keen. To embark on life new, All my inhibitions will shed. Wings I will spread, Mom, proud will make you. Brimming with zest, As bride looking ahead, Graciously, will cross threshold of this nest.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!