Mundasu Kavi

Kirti V posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S3: Poetry on 2023-08-14

Born was a boy, to a simple family, In the tiny town of Ettayapuram, Having lost his mother early in his childhood, Subramanyam was brought up by his father. An intellect that his father was, Pushed him to studies, which he enjoyed. Going along the societal norms, He entered wedlock at the age of fifteen. Music and poetry gushed through his blood, And he aspired to know about the world. He mastered languages and wrote to inspire, His words, Ahh... soaked with patriotism, modernism. Termed a revolutionary writer, The Britishers got him arrested. But, he still instilled the cry of freedom Through his thoughtful and impactful verses. He vouched for women empowerment, Which was unheard of in those days. Bharathi, he was called fondly, For his amazing linguistic prowess. *Mundasu Kavi - The Poet with a  Turban     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!