
Anamika Kundu posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Poetry on 2024-08-21

It was a dark night that witnessed the rape, as if mute

Innocent, helpless, watched the brutes while just mute!


Threatening truth, the dark underbelly, she exposed

Her own fragility, her strength, while truth stood mute!


Fear fanned the savage minds, together they attacked

Harmless girl she was no longer, her strength, not mute!


When the world slept, the corrupt, the cunning, ganged up

Cause Kali and Durga would watch, helpless and mute!


The lifesaver, knew not- wolves in packs would arrive

Tearing limbs, ripping organs, while she writhed, a mute!


The night summoned Day, trumpeted the heinous deed

Stirring all, while in her coffin she lay still and mute!