My Best Teacher

Munira Dalal posted under Guest Posts Poetry on 2020-09-05

Life is a continuous learning and reading process It does impart and teach lessons without a recess All lessons are without lectures, books and classrooms nonetheless We remember them for a lifetime ; failed or passed nevertheless My best teacher undoubtedly was who taught me English She was determined each of her students became a linguist Though some could between there’s and theirs not distinguish She was determined no Oxymoron would give us anguish She made me fall in love with prose and poetry Her narration and explanation used to awe me totally Still remember her rich voice reciting Innisfree by Yeats Making words come to life was one of her feats She was an epitome of love and understanding  Her command over language and words was outstanding In class her presence was solemn and commanding Being petite and dainty in demeanor notwithstanding Use words to mend never to bend she taught me Always think before you speak was her constant plea Correct words will build bridges for all to see Heartfelt gratitude and tribute my teacher I pay thee Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!