My Country, Thou Shine

Shristee Singh posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S2: Poetry on 2022-08-14

Wayfarers took shelter in your gracious arms. Seers and sages made your land divine. Bestowing ancient text, with knowledge and charm,  With enigmatic beauty, my country, thou shine. Salute to the countless patriotic souls, To them, we bow under thy free sky. With glory, the welkins chant galore  Legends of Bravehearts, that never die!  You rise from the dust again and again... Crowning your glory from the past;  Enduring limitless suffering and pain  Still thy legendry stories, till today last. Thy flag unfurls, fluttering in the breeze Of the morning and the evening sky  Your children work hard so that you are at ease Etching your name among the highest of high.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!