My Daughter’s Wedding

Shweta Singh posted under PenMuse-07 Poetry Villanelle on 2019-05-12

My darling daughter, when did you grow up? Where did the time fly? Tomorrow, my precious gem, you begin a new journey of marital bliss Oh! What a strong, confident woman you have become from a girl so shy. As I gaze at you, I’m overwhelmed with love and a tear trickles from my eye Anxiety does my heart squeeze; an unknown fear that I valiantly try to dismiss My darling daughter, when did you grow up? Where did the time fly? Oh! My silly heart be quiet, hush; it’s time for her to soar and touch the sky With her albums, her memories; my moist eyes will sit and reminisce  Oh! What a strong, confident woman you have become from a girl so shy. You, who would cling to me like a shadow, will tomorrow bid me goodbye. Laughing and crying, all at the same time, I promise to bless you and kiss My darling daughter, when did you grow up? Where did the time fly? I know your fingers from my grasp will slip, as you join hands with your guy My heart will crumble when you throw back the rice, it will leave an abyss Oh! What a strong, confident woman you have become from a girl so shy. I promise to fill the chasm in my heart, remember you with fondness and not cry You’ll understand when life comes a circle and with your daughter you do this My darling daughter, when did you grow up? Where did the time fly? Oh! What a strong, confident woman you have become from a girl so shy. __________________________ For more of such content follow us on Social Media: